Sunday, August 12, 2012

What is the Ultimate Reset?

Tomorrow, I will be starting The Ultimate Reset.  The most frequent question I get asked is "What is the Ultimate Reset?"   Most people think it's a strict detox or cleanse.  While it is strict, and it does spend one week doing a detox, it is so much more than that!  Think of it like a tune up for your body.  Your food is your gas.  When you spend years filling your tank with overly processed, chemical ridden foods it takes a tole on your body.   The reset will help with your natural metabolism, energy, digestion, cleansing, and help your body process nutrients more effectively.   It's 21 days of eating (yes, I said eating) three meals and one snack a day.  It's in 3 phases lasting one week each.

Phase one is to reclaim.  This phase is preparing your body for the upcoming changes.  You will slowly be removing red meats and dairy which can cause stress on the digestive system.  This will be difficult for me because I love dairy.  Cheese, chocolate milk, ice dairy.   This phase is also to rehydrate your body and wake up groggy cells in order to get your body into a more balanced alkanized state.  

Phase two is to release.  Did you guess Detox?  If you did YOU WIN A PRIZE!  No, not really, but you get to say your right!  By week two, you will have cut out all meat and most dairy from your diet. You will be gently detoxing this week.   This isn't one of those "be glued to the toilet" detox.  Its natural and slow.  This helps get your insides running smooth again.  :)

Phase three is the final stage - restore.  During this final week you will be cutting back on grains, eating mainly fruits and vegetables.  You will also be  introducing healthy bacteria into your diet.  By now, foods you haven't been fond of may be at the top of your meal plans! 

Once you have completed the reset, you will do a transition period.  This will guide you onto adding foods such as meat, dairy, and exercise back into your life.  The success that people are getting from this is amazing.  I can't wait until I can share my own results.  I'll be blogging my experience every day.   Feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions!

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