Thursday, August 28, 2014

How do you manage kids, healthy habits, and exercise?

Today I had a friend message me.  "how do you balance out working out and healthy haits with spending time with your kids too?"   And it got me do I do it?  It certainly hasn't been easy.  In fact, I feel like it's taken me 3 years to get into a good solid routine!  Lets face it, life happens.  You fall off the wagon, you get back on, you have vacations to attend and parties to go to, you slip out of your routine and start over,  you get pregnant and add an addition to the family... yes, yes indeed life has thrown me quite a few changes!  But finally, I feel like I have a good routine!  How?

For starters, TO DO LIST!  Yes, I know, another person telling you to make a to do list.  Listen, I'm spontaneous, sporadic, unorganized and a go with the flow kind of gal.  Come over on any given day and you will find unfinished laundry, dishes in the sink, and toys in every room of the house.  Yet, some joker wants me to make a to do list?  Puh-lease.  Aint nobody got time for that!  Two very big personal development books tell me otherwise.  30 Day Push by Chalean Johnson and Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.  I grudgingly accepted the challenge and started writing a nightly to do list.  It has helped immensely.  My to do list, makes it possible for me to have my life organized.  I may not complete my list every day, but you know what I do?  I get the most important things done.  I'm also less likely to forget about play dates, appointments, birthdays or anything else! 

This one is a biggie.  INCLUDE THE KIDS! Yes, include the kids in just about everything!  The pictures below show my running with R, my oldest.  He's 3.  We ran a good half mile at least.  He begged to go running with me one day.  I told him alright and off we went.  We had an absolute blast.  Not only did we get to spend amazing time together, but I got to teach him a lesson in hard work, fitness and health!  The other picture is grocery shopping.  One of my favorite activities to do with the kids.  They are more likely to eat things that they pick out.  It might be as simple as, "hey, which head of lettuce should we get?"  or "What color of bell peppers should we get today?"  We are going to get these items anyways so I might as well let the boys help me pick them out!  (Plus this helps with colors, counting and names of veggies and fruits!)  I'll be honest - I hate grocery shopping without them.  It's so much more fun with them there!  In addition to the shopping, we also cook together.  Sometimes I plop H in the highchair and toss him some sliced up veggies to play with while R and I do "big kid stuff."  That way H is still "involved" and hopefully doesn't feel left out!  Being healthy isn't just exercise, its eating too - so I feel like its important that they see us cooking and eating healthy foods.  R is always so proud (and eats better) when he helps make the meals!

Something else I think is important.  THEY WATCH YOU!  Even when you think they aren't looking, they watch you!  Your good and bad habits will be repeated by them - so make them good habits!  Here, R is exercising.  Mot everyone wants to jaunt off for a jog with their 3 year old so don't let that detour you.  Play hopscotch, jump rope, go to the park, nightly walks or bike rides.  Finish up with a healthy snack.  But you are their #1 role model.  So show them the awesomely active parent you are!   And it may be hard to work out with kids.  I try to work out while they are asleep, it doesn't always happen that way.  And boy, am I glad that is the case! The other day R asked "Put on P90X Mom!" just so he could work out like me.  When he sees me do this, and wants to do it himself, it brings my heart such joy.  It doesn't just stop with R either!  Doing yoga the other day and H joined me for a little downward dog!  Don't I wish I had a picture of that one! This "me" time is often interrupted with lovely times of bonding with my children.  I don't mind it most days!

Finally - MAKE IT A HABIT!  If you are doing these things daily, your family will expect it.  It's just something you do.  it's not a big deal - no body is missing out.  It's NOT going to take all day.  1 hour is just 4% of your day.  You don't even need a full hour!  Do what you can.  Move, shake your booty, show your family (spouse included)  that being healthy is beneficial to everyone.  It may not be easy at first.  It certainly wasn't for us.  But now, it's routine.  yes, sometimes it gets messed up.  Today it took me nearly 2.5 hours to get through a 1.5 hour work out because I had to stop arguments, feed breakfast, wipe bottoms and clean up spills.  it's not like that every day and it wont be for you either.  Be consistent.  talk to them, tell them this is important to you and you need to be healthy for them.  They might resist at first but I promise, stick with it and it will become routine.  Most days - if R is awake, I just say "R, mommy needs to work out now.  Please go play cars in the kitchen or your bedroom."  And for the most part he does.  I certainly am lucky!

In the end, its up to YOU.  You have to make the decisions.  You have to make the time.  You are the role model.  The person they look up to.  They learn from you before anyone else.   keep at it, be positive and don't quit.  Be the person you want your kids to be.