Monday, January 12, 2015

Having a Supportive Partner

Recently I was sitting down watching junk tv.  While scrolling through the guide I found TLC's My 600 lb Life.  Sometimes I watch these shows out of curiosity.  What is their life like?  What got them to this state?  Or simply - to watch their transformation.  This particular episode was a woman whose spouse was incredibly unsupportive..  She worked very hard and was making progress.  Her husband was not saying nice things, going to fast food joints - it was hard to watch.  My heart ached for this woman who was changing her life for the better.  Not just for herself but for her daughter.  Mostly, it made me grateful.

My husband has been far from perfect.  He has said hurtful things in the past.  He has a dry sense of humor and doesn't always realize when he's crossed the line.  I guess it's like treating me "like one of the guys." or something.  Anyways - thats another story for another day.  At one point many years ago, I sat him down and told him how hurtful his jokes were.  I know he was trying to make me laugh but...they didn't.  He felt bad and apologized - he really didn't think it was hurting my feelings. I also told him that food is such a huge struggle for me.  I explained to him that I needed his help.   If I was going to do this journey, I needed him to be on it too.  To my surprise, he agreed.

He has been wonderful ever since and I can honestly say he is to credit for some of my weight loss.  Just having his support, encouragement, understanding and love has been a big help to me.  I couldn't imagine doing it without his support.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I would have given up. He has been there for my ups and downs.  My weight loss and my weight gain.   My food binges and my health nut stages.  He's done it all.  I am so grateful for his support, even when I'm yelling at him because "I'm on my period and damnit I'm going to eat this piece of chocolate!"  I truly am lucky.

In fact, he's currently helping me by following the 21 Day Fix program with me!  It makes a difference having someone you live with be your very own accountability partner.  He's even following along with the meal plan.  We took pictures of each other, measurements and encourage each other daily.  It will be interesting to see the results when we are done.  And it's nice doing it together.   Lately I feel like there is not a lot we have in common anymore.  But getting healthy together is a goal of ours we are.  And it's been eye opening. 

His support is priceless.  If your partner is not supportive, I truly encourage you to have a heart to heart with them. They really may not realize that they are being hurtful.  If your partner is going through some changes or struggles, support them.  Changing, be it health, career, lifestyle, is hard.  It's even harder when the person you love does not stand by you.  

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

3 day refresh, results

I don't know about you, but I ate through the holidays.  There was no stopping me.  I wanted, I ate, I enjoyed and now I regret.  Such is life though right?  So I figured, why not end my horrible eating and get back on track with the 3 Day Refresh.  This is the second round I've done.  My first round was alright but I wanted to do at least two rounds before I blogged about it.

So, What is it?
The 3 day refresh has been designed to to cleanse your body, help you reenergize and get back on track all while keeping your metabolism from crashing.    Unlike tradition cleanses, the 3 day refresh gives your body the nutrients it needs.  The basic idea for this was to help people who have veered off the healthy eating course.  It happens right, a little extra here, a little extra there, and the next thing you know your feeling bloated and your clothes are tight. Since it was post holiday and my clothes were rather uncomfortable I had to give it a go. 

Whats in it?
The package comes with 2 options - with shakeology or without (for those who already use it.)  It also comes with 3 packets of fiber.  I was hesitant to drink this at first but honestly, it wasn't too bad.  It was lemony but had an odd texture.  I drank it quickly!  In addition, you will recieve 6 packets of Vanilla Fresh.  This is your protein.  You drink this twice a day.  Finally, a booklet including instructions, lists of approved foods, and recipes.   It has everything you need.

For my starting weight I was shocked.  I hadn't stepped on a scale in months so this was...not what I wanted to see.   I was uncomfortable and bloated.   I knew I had let thins slip but this... depressing. I hate even typing about it.  Makes you feel like a failure you know?  Anyways - best way to get back on track was to clean out the guts and get back on track.

 Dat 1 - here's the thing with the food.  You get PLENTY of options.  Choose wisely.  This first day I found ok.  I was hungry and really craving something chocolaty and full of  carbs.  I stuck with the plan:

 Breakfast - shakeology - chocolate with an apple
Mid morning - fiber shake
Lunch - Vanilla Fresh, 2 clemintines, green beans cooked in a teaspoon of olive oil
Afternoon - 1.5 tsp peanut butter, carrots
Dinner - Vanilla Fresh, Stir Fry cooked in 1 tsp olive oil
Dat 2 - a 3.8 lb weight loss was a great beginning.  Already I was feeling less bloated and more comfortable.   However, I was finding myself extremely cranky and couldn't figure out for the life of me, why I was having such cravings.  I mean, I've done and succeeded with the Ultimate Reset - why is this 3 day thing so hard!  Never the less, I stuck with it.  My meal plan stayed very much the same.  It was just easier to have everything pre cooked and ready to go so I pre cooked everything on day 1. 

Day 3 - only a .4 loss but better than nothing.  The lady beast showed up which is explains my ravenous cravings for all things carb.  Once again, I stuck it out.  My mantra was "It's only 3 days."  It really wasn't that bad - I think I would have had an easier time if the beast wouldn't have showed up.  By this time I was tired of stir fry for dinner and was thankful I only had one more day of it!   My final results?
5.6 lbs!  In 3 days.  I was please with the results and happy I did the program.  With the loss of these 5 lbs I felt better.  I know I have a long way to go - but to be able to not feel so uncomfortable was fantastic.  It was a good boost and perfect for getting back on track.  :)

Who is it for?
Anyone!  This is a great program to get back on track, lose those last few stubborn pounds or start!  This program is also good for anyone who has an important event such as a wedding or party.  This is NOT a long term diet plan.  It's a 3 day refresh.  Wake your body up, start over in a new, healthy way.

Want to try it out yourself?  Message me and I'll help get you started! 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ugly Sweater Run 2014

I know I know...I'm a bit late in writing this.   But I had so much fun doing my first every Ugly Sweater Run that I feel like I should blog about it.  My sister had run it before and enjoyed it.  I was excited to have the opportunity and even more excited to drag my entire family!  (Pssst....Kids under 5 run for FREE!)
As I was nearing the end of the year, I was excited to do something healthy with my family and put a positive step forward in a healthier 2015.  When we first arrived there was a live snow globe, banners, blow up trees and more where you could take photos by.  Here's my family.  Aren't we a funky bunch?

The run was only 3.5 miles.  Starting off with a run through Candy Cane Lane with soap snow falling on our heads and techno Christmas music singing from the speakers.   About halfway through there were two giant blow up reindeer as well as some nice hot cocoa.  Surprisingly, that was it as far as things along the course.  I had heard there were quite a few Christmas blow up decorations previously so I was surprised to see just the two reindeer.  Who knows  why they weren't up.  Never the less we kept going. R started to lose his gump halfway through and started riding on the stroller with his brother.  I spent a large portion of the remainder cheering him on and encouraging him to run just a little further.  He tried his best and I was so proud of him.
Once we crossed the finish line the kiddos were rewarded with some Hot Cocoa and the adults got Sam Adams or Angry Orchard.  By the way - Angry Orchard was pretty darn good!  I'm not so sure I like drinking after a race but at least it tasted great!   Overall - it was a pretty good race.  Costumes were fabulous, people were out being active and having fun, and the race staff were friendly and energetic.  I look forward to doing it again.