Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Do You Know Depression?

I've been sitting on this for a while now.  I'm not sure where I was going with it or what exactly I was trying to say but I feel so much better now that it is out.   I have and sometimes do suffer from depression.   It can be a lonely place sometimes, even though everyone around you is trying to support you.  It's really something that can only best be described as "drowning but you can watch everyone else breath."   (I didn't make that up, saw it floating around social media)  Anyways - here is my battle....

Depression is an ugly, ugly disease.  Ever since the death of  beloved Actor, Robin Williams, I've been trying to think of the words to type and what to say.  Following the days of Mr. Williams death my facebook page was filled with his quotes, photos with a suicide prevention hotline number attached, and words of endearment for this extremely talented man.  People everywhere were re-watching their beloved Robin Williams shows, Mrs. Doubtfire anyone?  People were shocked.  I admit, when I saw someone post the news on facebook I was shocked.  I thought it was some sick joke.  The funniest man in the world is not going to commit suicide.  Unfortunately, it was true.  I suppose Comedians, like clowns, can be the saddest people in the world.
  That's the tricky thing about depression.  People are good at hiding it.  They make themselves leave their house.  Put on fake smiles.  Laugh fake laughs.  Have fake fun.  All the while, wanting to scream and cry inside because of the pain they are in.   When a depressed person is alone with their thoughts, it can be frightening.  It's like a freight train running through your head full of things that depress you.  You want to sleep but you can't.  The thoughts just keep coming.  Many people will never know they have a friend who is depressed.  I mean, how many people will come out and ask for help?   For someone to admit that they need help is rare.  Some people don't know how too.  Others feel they would be judged.  When someone is depressed, do not judge them. Do not talk about them.  Do not try to "fix" them. Do not give them unsolicited advice.

Do you know what major skill most people are lacking?   LISTENING!  turn on your listening ears and close your damn mouth!  Sometimes its frustrating.  You will be listening to someone who is complaining a lot.  Someone whose issues seem so miniscule, but those are really just the underlying issues to the problems.  It is hard being a listener to a depressed person.  So if you can't put forth the time and effort, just don't.  They know they are hard to be around, but it is harder to be alone.  Just listen.  Be there for them, let them know you care.  Give them a safe place to go.