Many gyms have a no cell phone policy in place when it comes to group fitness and locker rooms, but what about the whole gym? After some research it looks like the only big chain I have found that has a policy like that is Planet Fitness. It's tempting enough for me to want to join! But its not just the chatter of other people that bothers me as it is these horrible video clips of people working out. Typically they are doing it wrong, look awkward, making faces or something that is comical to the person recording. I always wonder what the person behind the camera/phone looks like. My guess is they are wanting to improve something. And they probably would if they would put their damn phone down and do their own work instead of worrying about what someone else is doing.
I really don't get those videos. I mean, you see someone doing something wrong or even potentially dangerous. Are they corrected? NO! They get recorded and it's blasted all over the internet. I can't be the only one who see's this as a major issue? Why to people go to the gym? To get healthier, improve confidence, get stronger, be happier. When they see a video posted that is laughing at them, how hurt and ashamed they must feel. What I don't understand is, why doesn't the person with the phone, put the damn thing down and go talk to the poor soul doing the wrong moves? Correct him/her. Show him/her how to do the moves properly. And if they have no desire to do that, then put down the damn phone and concentrate on their own work out!
This whole thing got prompted tonight when someone posted a video of a guy doing the wrong moves. Long story short, it ended up an online debat - no name calling - but was still frustrating. Some people posted assumptions about the man based on what he was wearing and commenting that "guys don't want to be helped by someone who isn't bigger or stronger..." blah blah blah. This poor man was recorded on 3 separate occasions. I say this again, the man behind the camera should put down his damn phone and pay attention to the work out he SHOULD be doing instead of the way another man is doing it. It all seems childish and such a waste of time. And really - it downright pisses me off. That man is being bullied. I know people are tired of hearing the bullied card but what else can you call it? It gets turned into a cyber bully thing.
Or maybe I'm just to damned caring? I see posts like that and my heart actually breaks for that man. Here he was, trying to better himself, and some jockhead was recording him so all the muscled people on the internet could laugh and point. Way to go asshole
Monday, December 1, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thanksgiving Now and then...
Sometimes, Holidays are tough. Especially when you are not in your own house. I've been at my in laws house and I've had lots of time to reflect how different my thanksgiving was to my husbands. I enjoy myself at both and thankfully, get along with my in laws. And even though there is nothing like moms cooking, Mike's family Thanksgiving was great. I enjoy both. The traditional thanksgiving I grew up with and the one Mike grew up with. And I am happy that we get to incorporate these traditions with the boys.
Growing up meant waking up and watching the parade while mom baked the Turkey. She also had pecan, pumpkin, and sometimes chocolate pie that she had made days earlier and had in the freezer. Green bean casserole, roles, her amazing not from a can creamed corn....THE BEST! The type of potato varied from sweet to mashed depending on the day. By the time the parade was over the house smelled immaculate. Mom brought out the fine china (real china, not paper plates!) and silverware. The table was beautiful. Turkey - golden and shiny. potatoes full of butter...every thing had its place. Being a military family, we often celebrated with just us. No going over to grandma and grandpas. A few times we went or they visited us but for the most part it was just us. We would eat until we were stuffed! Following our amazing dinner we would veg out and just enjoy each others company. Then, we would dig in for more!
Now a days, it's a bit different. I've been married now for 10 years. My father in law owns some land with a little hunting shack. Every year they go hunting - which always falls on Thanksgiving. It's known as "Hunters Widows Week" around this small Wisconsin town. We have been here a few weeks and I have seen him less times than not. Its ok though because he gets some amazing bonding time with his father and brother. The day of Thanksgiving, they don't hunt. My father in law got cable and we were able to watch the thanksgiving parade while drinking mimosas! YUM! In non traditional form, the guys cooked the dinner while the ladies watched football!

Even my little man helped grandpa bake pumpkin pie!

Little man on the other hand was quite the slacker. Thumb sucking is hard work!

The food amazing but also slightly different from what I'm used to. Yes, we had Turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries. But we also had perrogies, pickled vegetables, cabbage rolls and something called kapusta. It's filled with more members of the family, cousins, and lots of noise! Typically we will go to my Mother in Laws vegetarian (and AMAZING) thanksgiving as well but she was visiting her mom this year. The nice thing about being here was watching my boys interact with family.
Family is so important to us and it was great watching everyone interact with the kids. Even better, it was great watching my two boys play with their cousin. She is a darling little thing and so much fun. It was great. The kids ran and ran all day long. We barely got them to sit still long enough to eat! I barely caught a picture at the end, guess I should have done that in the beginning.
I am so thankful we had such a great thanksgiving and the boys had so much fun. I'm thankful for family that cares about my children and takes teh time to spend time with and play with them. Not everyone is so fortunate. I hope you all had as much fun this thanksgiving as I did!
ALSO! Don't forget to enter for the free tickets to Omaha's Ugly Sweater Run! Drawing will be done the 30th!
Growing up meant waking up and watching the parade while mom baked the Turkey. She also had pecan, pumpkin, and sometimes chocolate pie that she had made days earlier and had in the freezer. Green bean casserole, roles, her amazing not from a can creamed corn....THE BEST! The type of potato varied from sweet to mashed depending on the day. By the time the parade was over the house smelled immaculate. Mom brought out the fine china (real china, not paper plates!) and silverware. The table was beautiful. Turkey - golden and shiny. potatoes full of butter...every thing had its place. Being a military family, we often celebrated with just us. No going over to grandma and grandpas. A few times we went or they visited us but for the most part it was just us. We would eat until we were stuffed! Following our amazing dinner we would veg out and just enjoy each others company. Then, we would dig in for more!
Now a days, it's a bit different. I've been married now for 10 years. My father in law owns some land with a little hunting shack. Every year they go hunting - which always falls on Thanksgiving. It's known as "Hunters Widows Week" around this small Wisconsin town. We have been here a few weeks and I have seen him less times than not. Its ok though because he gets some amazing bonding time with his father and brother. The day of Thanksgiving, they don't hunt. My father in law got cable and we were able to watch the thanksgiving parade while drinking mimosas! YUM! In non traditional form, the guys cooked the dinner while the ladies watched football!

Even my little man helped grandpa bake pumpkin pie!

Little man on the other hand was quite the slacker. Thumb sucking is hard work!

The food amazing but also slightly different from what I'm used to. Yes, we had Turkey, mashed potatoes and cranberries. But we also had perrogies, pickled vegetables, cabbage rolls and something called kapusta. It's filled with more members of the family, cousins, and lots of noise! Typically we will go to my Mother in Laws vegetarian (and AMAZING) thanksgiving as well but she was visiting her mom this year. The nice thing about being here was watching my boys interact with family.
Family is so important to us and it was great watching everyone interact with the kids. Even better, it was great watching my two boys play with their cousin. She is a darling little thing and so much fun. It was great. The kids ran and ran all day long. We barely got them to sit still long enough to eat! I barely caught a picture at the end, guess I should have done that in the beginning.
I am so thankful we had such a great thanksgiving and the boys had so much fun. I'm thankful for family that cares about my children and takes teh time to spend time with and play with them. Not everyone is so fortunate. I hope you all had as much fun this thanksgiving as I did!
ALSO! Don't forget to enter for the free tickets to Omaha's Ugly Sweater Run! Drawing will be done the 30th!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
A Chance to Win Entry to Omaha's Ugly Sweater Run
It's that time of year again Omaha! The Ugly Sweater Run is BACK and I have been give four FREE entries into this years race! WOOHOO! Run to Grandma's closet and (with her permission of course) find the ugliest holiday sweater you can find!
My sister has done this in the past and raved about it! Holidays can be busy and stressful. What better way to ease the tension and mix in a little exercise with a fun run such as this? But wait! What's the details? I'm glad you asked!
What? The Ugly Sweater Run
When? December 14, 2014 11:00 a.m.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
My sister has done this in the past and raved about it! Holidays can be busy and stressful. What better way to ease the tension and mix in a little exercise with a fun run such as this? But wait! What's the details? I'm glad you asked!
What? The Ugly Sweater Run
When? December 14, 2014 11:00 a.m.
Where? Century Link Center
455 North 10th ST
Omaha, Nebraska
Why? Ummm....why not?
Need more information? Feel free to pop on over HERE to the direct website. Now, you know all the information, enter the contest below. *****WINNING CODE IS ONLY GOOD FOR THE OMAHA RACE******
Monday, November 10, 2014
I never dealt with PPD
This was the first time I held my son. Holden. My beautiful, well tempered, happy baby boy. His birth came fast and quick. It didn't seem real. My vbac? less than an hour of active labor. The pain of labor is still fresh in my mind. I still remember looking out my bathroom window. Noticing the green grass, clothes line, and leaves blowing in the gentle summer breeze. He came so fast. I wasn't expecting such raw emotions to flow through my veins. Lindsay, my doula, was wonderful but I think the activity may have been fast even to her newly doula'd hands. I held him in the picture above. I don't remember it. I know I am looking at him, you can see it in the picture. But I don't remember it. I remember shaking. I remember being wrapped up into this chair thing and the EMT's dragging me down the stairs and putting me in the car. I remember being put in the car and a seat belt being put on me. I remember holding my baby. I remember being told congratulations. But my baby, my actual babies face? I don't remember looking. Surely I must have though. Right? What mother wouldn't look at the miracle she had been waiting so long to meet?
When we got to the birthing center, Holden was checked over. I was checked over. My placenta looked great. I needed stitches. I remember someone handing him back to me but I was shaking so bad I asked for someone else to hold him. My midwife was suprised. Shocked even? I think I was still trying to gather in everything. And then? Then I took a bath. A beautiful, wonderful, relaxing bath. I stayed in there for a very long time. I was still in pain, my stomach was squishy but I still couldn't believe I had a baby. A nurse made me hold him. I'm glad she did. Feeling him lay on me felt so right. I do remember being afraid I would fall asleep but I never did. After my bath, I climbed back into bed and held my son.
The 17 months following that were off and on it seemed. I did not feel close to him. Other times I felt like we were making a connection but it didn't quite seem real. Heck, nothing in my life felt real. There were times where I would lay on the couch for days, moving through life like a robot because I just couldn't cope. The guilt of not doing the same things with him that I did with his brother was overwhelming. Dividing time between two kids, making sure the oldest didn't feel left out, making sure my husband still got his time with me, and trying to be a good wife and mother became to much. I felt myself slipping back and forth between battling depression and being happy. Between lashing out at loved ones and being a sloth on the couch. I never dealt with PPD. I never deal with being an inadequate wife and mother. I never dealt with me.
Today, my son gets closer and closer to being 18 months. I realize how much of a little boy he is becoming. No longer a baby. He has changed so much. His hair has changed, his face has changed, he's more mobile, active, vocal....He's one amazing little guy I'll tell ya that! But one thing that has always made me feel guilty. Because of my PPD I have always felt distant. I don't feel like I held him enough. I don't feel like he is close to me like my oldest. I honestly feel like those first few crucial months of me not being there for him, has ruined my relationship with him. It breaks my freaking heart. Why was I like that? Why didn't I get help? He has never been a cuddler, sleeps through the night, and quit nursing just before a year. If I held him more would he want me to snuggle with? Would he want me to hold him in the night? Would he have nursed longer?
It has been a long journey. I can remember not knowing what to do with him. Almost like he was a first baby. Despite having another son who was just 2 years older. I
felt, and sometimes still do, feel so distant from him. The guilt that
I have messed up eats away at me. More so now. I pray that I can
repair any damage I did. I know some people reading this will think
"he's just a baby he will be fine." I know he will be fine. At least I
hope he will. I hope he knows that he is loved. Always. He will
always be my baby. The love I have for him will last forever. It is because of him, I kept going. Though he is tiny, he is my strength. I hope I make him proud to have me as his mom one day.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Dealing with weightloss and Hypothyroidism sucks....
As much as I would love to blame all my weight loss issues on my thyroid, I can't. But there are some things involving weight loss and thyroid issues that I CAN blame it on and sometimes, its simply defeating. The trouble I have losing this weight makes me absolutely terrified to gain any! I knew it was going to be hard - but in the past, I never had this issue. Of course losing weight is never easy - with or without thyroid issues, I just don't remember it being THIS difficult.
For instance, lets talk falling off the wagon. It happens. You do AMAZING for a couple months then a wrench get tossed into your perfect little schedule. Maybe you go on vacation, have a baby, get married, girls night out....stuff happens. When I fall off the wagon, I can literally undo a couple months worth of work in a week. Which of course goes down another path of depression and destructive eating. I suppose the best way I can describe it is that a switch gets turned off. And it's not until that switch gets turned back on that I can really get focused and back on track. All of this can be related to my thyroid. My thyroid does not produce enough hormones. Some days it's just out of wack.
Fatigue. *yawn* There are days where I am so danged tired. If I forget to take my medication for a couple days, or sometimes even a day, I notice it. It's so strange. I mean, I can be tired all day long, wanting to nap but come night time when I can sleep, no, I am wide awake. But tired. Does that make any sense? I'm having a hard time finding the words to explain this. Since switching to a more natural medication, Armour thyroid, it's much better. But occasionally I'm barely there.
So what's a girl to do? I've got 2 little boys and a house to clean, daily naps are not the answer! Here are some things that have helped me:
For instance, lets talk falling off the wagon. It happens. You do AMAZING for a couple months then a wrench get tossed into your perfect little schedule. Maybe you go on vacation, have a baby, get married, girls night out....stuff happens. When I fall off the wagon, I can literally undo a couple months worth of work in a week. Which of course goes down another path of depression and destructive eating. I suppose the best way I can describe it is that a switch gets turned off. And it's not until that switch gets turned back on that I can really get focused and back on track. All of this can be related to my thyroid. My thyroid does not produce enough hormones. Some days it's just out of wack.
Fatigue. *yawn* There are days where I am so danged tired. If I forget to take my medication for a couple days, or sometimes even a day, I notice it. It's so strange. I mean, I can be tired all day long, wanting to nap but come night time when I can sleep, no, I am wide awake. But tired. Does that make any sense? I'm having a hard time finding the words to explain this. Since switching to a more natural medication, Armour thyroid, it's much better. But occasionally I'm barely there.
So what's a girl to do? I've got 2 little boys and a house to clean, daily naps are not the answer! Here are some things that have helped me:
- Cut out sugar - this really helps with brain fog and mood swings
- Eat my fruits and veggies - Not only are these good for me, but they help aid in digestion. Constipation and hard stools are a symptom of Hypothyroidism.
- Exercise - Could be as simple as walking for 30 minutes. I feel better when I'm done. This has helped not only my eating but also my depression
- Switch my medication - I had been taking Synthroid for years. Then I read the book Hypothyroidism, Health and Happiness by Steven F. Hotze MD. I switched to Armour (dessicated pig thyroid) and feel so much better. It is really a night and day experience.
- Get a good nights rest - duh... this is a gimme.
- Smile - even on days I don't want to.
- Have a support group - people who cheer me on and support me have been VITAL
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
5 Ways Being a Mom has Changed Me...So Far
I've got two wonderful boys. They are 1 and 3, so this makes me an expert right? No? Not yet? Ok fine, but over the last couple of years being a mom I have learned so much. When I was pregnant with R, my oldest, I SWORE being a mom was not going to change me. I was going to be the same vivacious, crazy, outgoing person I always had been. I could totally pull off being being a responsible mother and carefree gal. I don't think I could have been more wrong. As the 4th birthday of my oldest draws near, I realize I am far from the person I was 4 years ago.
1) Your most important relationships, are no longer there. You know the people I'm talking about. The ones that are there at the drop of a hat. Want to do a last minute dinner - BOOM you have a date! Random activity - hey call your bestie. Not after the kids! Turns out babies take a lot of time. You get invited to a lot of things and you can't go. Eventually you stop getting invites. Sometimes it sucks, but most of the time, it's ok. Because you realize that those cartoons your kids want to watch or the extra snuggles you get are a million times better than those nights out.
2) Things don't matter! Boy, do I ever wish I didn't spend so much money on junk. Clothes, shoes, trinkets, nights out... before kids I pretty much bought what I wanted. Growing kids that require new clothes, activities and food, it all adds up. If I could offer one piece of advice to young kids today, it would be to not waste your money. You do not need a t shirt from every concert. You do not need the Jesus bobble head. Stop buying junk and save your money. Save that money for trips, activities, and unique experiences. Spend your money wisely. Give yourself the gift of being debt free!
3) Your marriage will be strained. This is a sad reality. Before kids I had this perfect image in my head of having a marriage just as fun and lively as it was before kids. We would have our perfect little family and no issues would arise. Well, that perfect fantasy of mine went up in a cloud of smoke. Day 1 of bringing our son home I fell asleep in my rocker and he rolled off me onto the floor. Hysterical we went to the ER to find out...he was perfectly fine. Day 2 of being home I developed an infection in my c section incision and I went back to the hospital for an additional 3 days. I was tossed on anti depressants after taking some stupid quiz (while doped up on pain meds) and felt nothing like myself. My husband was at a loss and didn't know who I was anymore. Heck, I didn't know who I was anymore. Neither of us got any sleep. R did not sleep through the night until long after he was 3 years old. Even still - he usually comes into my room to sleep, but at least he doesn't cry. Lack of sleep, limited alone time, child rearing, all takes a toll on your marriage. It's something you have to work at. Every. Single. Day. Yes its hard. Yes some days suck. You need a healthy marriage. Your spouse needs a healthy marriage. Your kids need a healthy marriage. Communicate. Make time. Date your spouse. DON'T GIVE UP!
4) Your body changes. I gained weight with both pregnancies. A LOT with my first. 70 lbs to be exact. Yikes.... I lost some, then got pregnant with my second. Only gained about 30 or 35 (can't remember) with that one. I lived off of french fries and chocolate milkshakes with my first pregnancy. Ice cream sandwiches at 8:30 a.m. Nothing good. Those 9 months of using the "I'm pregnant and can eat whatever I want" excuse took a major tole on my body. I was an emotional wreck. Thankfully I learned from that. But I fear it may have been too late at times. Despite the fact that I have lost weight and am getting smaller, I'm not looking the same. Yes I'm getting smaller, but things are not bouncing back to the way they used to be! Lets just say, things are heading south, they are going in the wrong direction! My body delivered two amazing babies and I for that, I am grateful. That being said, accepting the changes that have come along with those babies has not been an easy task.
5) Life will never be the same. As I finish this, my night draws to a weary end. It has been a long day. Some days seem longer than the others. Tonight, my son got into nail polish. Painted his nails and accidentally spilled polish on the floor. Thank God for hardwood floors and not carpet! I wasn't mad. He didn't do it on purpose and it was all cleaned up. Nothing was ruined. This is life. This is MY life. Every day my life has more stories added to it. My children add tears of sorrow and tears of joy. They make me laugh because life becomes so unbearably insane that you really can only laugh. Messes go beyond dirty diapers and floors. Laughter is always the best medicine. Life is never boring. And no matter how rough the days are, I wouldn't have it any other way.
P.S. I'm not who I used to be, but I sure as heck am an awesome mom!
1) Your most important relationships, are no longer there. You know the people I'm talking about. The ones that are there at the drop of a hat. Want to do a last minute dinner - BOOM you have a date! Random activity - hey call your bestie. Not after the kids! Turns out babies take a lot of time. You get invited to a lot of things and you can't go. Eventually you stop getting invites. Sometimes it sucks, but most of the time, it's ok. Because you realize that those cartoons your kids want to watch or the extra snuggles you get are a million times better than those nights out.
2) Things don't matter! Boy, do I ever wish I didn't spend so much money on junk. Clothes, shoes, trinkets, nights out... before kids I pretty much bought what I wanted. Growing kids that require new clothes, activities and food, it all adds up. If I could offer one piece of advice to young kids today, it would be to not waste your money. You do not need a t shirt from every concert. You do not need the Jesus bobble head. Stop buying junk and save your money. Save that money for trips, activities, and unique experiences. Spend your money wisely. Give yourself the gift of being debt free!
3) Your marriage will be strained. This is a sad reality. Before kids I had this perfect image in my head of having a marriage just as fun and lively as it was before kids. We would have our perfect little family and no issues would arise. Well, that perfect fantasy of mine went up in a cloud of smoke. Day 1 of bringing our son home I fell asleep in my rocker and he rolled off me onto the floor. Hysterical we went to the ER to find out...he was perfectly fine. Day 2 of being home I developed an infection in my c section incision and I went back to the hospital for an additional 3 days. I was tossed on anti depressants after taking some stupid quiz (while doped up on pain meds) and felt nothing like myself. My husband was at a loss and didn't know who I was anymore. Heck, I didn't know who I was anymore. Neither of us got any sleep. R did not sleep through the night until long after he was 3 years old. Even still - he usually comes into my room to sleep, but at least he doesn't cry. Lack of sleep, limited alone time, child rearing, all takes a toll on your marriage. It's something you have to work at. Every. Single. Day. Yes its hard. Yes some days suck. You need a healthy marriage. Your spouse needs a healthy marriage. Your kids need a healthy marriage. Communicate. Make time. Date your spouse. DON'T GIVE UP!
4) Your body changes. I gained weight with both pregnancies. A LOT with my first. 70 lbs to be exact. Yikes.... I lost some, then got pregnant with my second. Only gained about 30 or 35 (can't remember) with that one. I lived off of french fries and chocolate milkshakes with my first pregnancy. Ice cream sandwiches at 8:30 a.m. Nothing good. Those 9 months of using the "I'm pregnant and can eat whatever I want" excuse took a major tole on my body. I was an emotional wreck. Thankfully I learned from that. But I fear it may have been too late at times. Despite the fact that I have lost weight and am getting smaller, I'm not looking the same. Yes I'm getting smaller, but things are not bouncing back to the way they used to be! Lets just say, things are heading south, they are going in the wrong direction! My body delivered two amazing babies and I for that, I am grateful. That being said, accepting the changes that have come along with those babies has not been an easy task.
5) Life will never be the same. As I finish this, my night draws to a weary end. It has been a long day. Some days seem longer than the others. Tonight, my son got into nail polish. Painted his nails and accidentally spilled polish on the floor. Thank God for hardwood floors and not carpet! I wasn't mad. He didn't do it on purpose and it was all cleaned up. Nothing was ruined. This is life. This is MY life. Every day my life has more stories added to it. My children add tears of sorrow and tears of joy. They make me laugh because life becomes so unbearably insane that you really can only laugh. Messes go beyond dirty diapers and floors. Laughter is always the best medicine. Life is never boring. And no matter how rough the days are, I wouldn't have it any other way.
P.S. I'm not who I used to be, but I sure as heck am an awesome mom!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Do You Know Depression?
I've been sitting on this for a while now. I'm not sure where I was going with it or what exactly I was trying to say but I feel so much better now that it is out. I have and sometimes do suffer from depression. It can be a lonely place sometimes, even though everyone around you is trying to support you. It's really something that can only best be described as "drowning but you can watch everyone else breath." (I didn't make that up, saw it floating around social media) Anyways - here is my battle....
Depression is an ugly, ugly disease. Ever since the death of beloved Actor, Robin Williams, I've been trying to think of the words to type and what to say. Following the days of Mr. Williams death my facebook page was filled with his quotes, photos with a suicide prevention hotline number attached, and words of endearment for this extremely talented man. People everywhere were re-watching their beloved Robin Williams shows, Mrs. Doubtfire anyone? People were shocked. I admit, when I saw someone post the news on facebook I was shocked. I thought it was some sick joke. The funniest man in the world is not going to commit suicide. Unfortunately, it was true. I suppose Comedians, like clowns, can be the saddest people in the world.
That's the tricky thing about depression. People are good at hiding it. They make themselves leave their house. Put on fake smiles. Laugh fake laughs. Have fake fun. All the while, wanting to scream and cry inside because of the pain they are in. When a depressed person is alone with their thoughts, it can be frightening. It's like a freight train running through your head full of things that depress you. You want to sleep but you can't. The thoughts just keep coming. Many people will never know they have a friend who is depressed. I mean, how many people will come out and ask for help? For someone to admit that they need help is rare. Some people don't know how too. Others feel they would be judged. When someone is depressed, do not judge them. Do not talk about them. Do not try to "fix" them. Do not give them unsolicited advice.
Do you know what major skill most people are lacking? LISTENING! turn on your listening ears and close your damn mouth! Sometimes its frustrating. You will be listening to someone who is complaining a lot. Someone whose issues seem so miniscule, but those are really just the underlying issues to the problems. It is hard being a listener to a depressed person. So if you can't put forth the time and effort, just don't. They know they are hard to be around, but it is harder to be alone. Just listen. Be there for them, let them know you care. Give them a safe place to go.
Depression is an ugly, ugly disease. Ever since the death of beloved Actor, Robin Williams, I've been trying to think of the words to type and what to say. Following the days of Mr. Williams death my facebook page was filled with his quotes, photos with a suicide prevention hotline number attached, and words of endearment for this extremely talented man. People everywhere were re-watching their beloved Robin Williams shows, Mrs. Doubtfire anyone? People were shocked. I admit, when I saw someone post the news on facebook I was shocked. I thought it was some sick joke. The funniest man in the world is not going to commit suicide. Unfortunately, it was true. I suppose Comedians, like clowns, can be the saddest people in the world.
That's the tricky thing about depression. People are good at hiding it. They make themselves leave their house. Put on fake smiles. Laugh fake laughs. Have fake fun. All the while, wanting to scream and cry inside because of the pain they are in. When a depressed person is alone with their thoughts, it can be frightening. It's like a freight train running through your head full of things that depress you. You want to sleep but you can't. The thoughts just keep coming. Many people will never know they have a friend who is depressed. I mean, how many people will come out and ask for help? For someone to admit that they need help is rare. Some people don't know how too. Others feel they would be judged. When someone is depressed, do not judge them. Do not talk about them. Do not try to "fix" them. Do not give them unsolicited advice.
Do you know what major skill most people are lacking? LISTENING! turn on your listening ears and close your damn mouth! Sometimes its frustrating. You will be listening to someone who is complaining a lot. Someone whose issues seem so miniscule, but those are really just the underlying issues to the problems. It is hard being a listener to a depressed person. So if you can't put forth the time and effort, just don't. They know they are hard to be around, but it is harder to be alone. Just listen. Be there for them, let them know you care. Give them a safe place to go.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
How do you manage kids, healthy habits, and exercise?
Today I had a friend message me. "how do you balance out working out and healthy haits with spending time with your kids too?" And it got me do I do it? It certainly hasn't been easy. In fact, I feel like it's taken me 3 years to get into a good solid routine! Lets face it, life happens. You fall off the wagon, you get back on, you have vacations to attend and parties to go to, you slip out of your routine and start over, you get pregnant and add an addition to the family... yes, yes indeed life has thrown me quite a few changes! But finally, I feel like I have a good routine! How?
For starters, TO DO LIST! Yes, I know, another person telling you to make a to do list. Listen, I'm spontaneous, sporadic, unorganized and a go with the flow kind of gal. Come over on any given day and you will find unfinished laundry, dishes in the sink, and toys in every room of the house. Yet, some joker wants me to make a to do list? Puh-lease. Aint nobody got time for that! Two very big personal development books tell me otherwise. 30 Day Push by Chalean Johnson and Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. I grudgingly accepted the challenge and started writing a nightly to do list. It has helped immensely. My to do list, makes it possible for me to have my life organized. I may not complete my list every day, but you know what I do? I get the most important things done. I'm also less likely to forget about play dates, appointments, birthdays or anything else!
This one is a biggie. INCLUDE THE KIDS! Yes, include the kids in just about everything! The pictures below show my running with R, my oldest. He's 3. We ran a good half mile at least. He begged to go running with me one day. I told him alright and off we went. We had an absolute blast. Not only did we get to spend amazing time together, but I got to teach him a lesson in hard work, fitness and health! The other picture is grocery shopping. One of my favorite activities to do with the kids. They are more likely to eat things that they pick out. It might be as simple as, "hey, which head of lettuce should we get?" or "What color of bell peppers should we get today?" We are going to get these items anyways so I might as well let the boys help me pick them out! (Plus this helps with colors, counting and names of veggies and fruits!) I'll be honest - I hate grocery shopping without them. It's so much more fun with them there! In addition to the shopping, we also cook together. Sometimes I plop H in the highchair and toss him some sliced up veggies to play with while R and I do "big kid stuff." That way H is still "involved" and hopefully doesn't feel left out! Being healthy isn't just exercise, its eating too - so I feel like its important that they see us cooking and eating healthy foods. R is always so proud (and eats better) when he helps make the meals!
Something else I think is important. THEY WATCH YOU! Even when you think they aren't looking, they watch you! Your good and bad habits will be repeated by them - so make them good habits! Here, R is exercising. Mot everyone wants to jaunt off for a jog with their 3 year old so don't let that detour you. Play hopscotch, jump rope, go to the park, nightly walks or bike rides. Finish up with a healthy snack. But you are their #1 role model. So show them the awesomely active parent you are! And it may be hard to work out with kids. I try to work out while they are asleep, it doesn't always happen that way. And boy, am I glad that is the case! The other day R asked "Put on P90X Mom!" just so he could work out like me. When he sees me do this, and wants to do it himself, it brings my heart such joy. It doesn't just stop with R either! Doing yoga the other day and H joined me for a little downward dog! Don't I wish I had a picture of that one! This "me" time is often interrupted with lovely times of bonding with my children. I don't mind it most days!
Finally - MAKE IT A HABIT! If you are doing these things daily, your family will expect it. It's just something you do. it's not a big deal - no body is missing out. It's NOT going to take all day. 1 hour is just 4% of your day. You don't even need a full hour! Do what you can. Move, shake your booty, show your family (spouse included) that being healthy is beneficial to everyone. It may not be easy at first. It certainly wasn't for us. But now, it's routine. yes, sometimes it gets messed up. Today it took me nearly 2.5 hours to get through a 1.5 hour work out because I had to stop arguments, feed breakfast, wipe bottoms and clean up spills. it's not like that every day and it wont be for you either. Be consistent. talk to them, tell them this is important to you and you need to be healthy for them. They might resist at first but I promise, stick with it and it will become routine. Most days - if R is awake, I just say "R, mommy needs to work out now. Please go play cars in the kitchen or your bedroom." And for the most part he does. I certainly am lucky!
In the end, its up to YOU. You have to make the decisions. You have to make the time. You are the role model. The person they look up to. They learn from you before anyone else. keep at it, be positive and don't quit. Be the person you want your kids to be.
For starters, TO DO LIST! Yes, I know, another person telling you to make a to do list. Listen, I'm spontaneous, sporadic, unorganized and a go with the flow kind of gal. Come over on any given day and you will find unfinished laundry, dishes in the sink, and toys in every room of the house. Yet, some joker wants me to make a to do list? Puh-lease. Aint nobody got time for that! Two very big personal development books tell me otherwise. 30 Day Push by Chalean Johnson and Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. I grudgingly accepted the challenge and started writing a nightly to do list. It has helped immensely. My to do list, makes it possible for me to have my life organized. I may not complete my list every day, but you know what I do? I get the most important things done. I'm also less likely to forget about play dates, appointments, birthdays or anything else!
This one is a biggie. INCLUDE THE KIDS! Yes, include the kids in just about everything! The pictures below show my running with R, my oldest. He's 3. We ran a good half mile at least. He begged to go running with me one day. I told him alright and off we went. We had an absolute blast. Not only did we get to spend amazing time together, but I got to teach him a lesson in hard work, fitness and health! The other picture is grocery shopping. One of my favorite activities to do with the kids. They are more likely to eat things that they pick out. It might be as simple as, "hey, which head of lettuce should we get?" or "What color of bell peppers should we get today?" We are going to get these items anyways so I might as well let the boys help me pick them out! (Plus this helps with colors, counting and names of veggies and fruits!) I'll be honest - I hate grocery shopping without them. It's so much more fun with them there! In addition to the shopping, we also cook together. Sometimes I plop H in the highchair and toss him some sliced up veggies to play with while R and I do "big kid stuff." That way H is still "involved" and hopefully doesn't feel left out! Being healthy isn't just exercise, its eating too - so I feel like its important that they see us cooking and eating healthy foods. R is always so proud (and eats better) when he helps make the meals!
Something else I think is important. THEY WATCH YOU! Even when you think they aren't looking, they watch you! Your good and bad habits will be repeated by them - so make them good habits! Here, R is exercising. Mot everyone wants to jaunt off for a jog with their 3 year old so don't let that detour you. Play hopscotch, jump rope, go to the park, nightly walks or bike rides. Finish up with a healthy snack. But you are their #1 role model. So show them the awesomely active parent you are! And it may be hard to work out with kids. I try to work out while they are asleep, it doesn't always happen that way. And boy, am I glad that is the case! The other day R asked "Put on P90X Mom!" just so he could work out like me. When he sees me do this, and wants to do it himself, it brings my heart such joy. It doesn't just stop with R either! Doing yoga the other day and H joined me for a little downward dog! Don't I wish I had a picture of that one! This "me" time is often interrupted with lovely times of bonding with my children. I don't mind it most days!
Finally - MAKE IT A HABIT! If you are doing these things daily, your family will expect it. It's just something you do. it's not a big deal - no body is missing out. It's NOT going to take all day. 1 hour is just 4% of your day. You don't even need a full hour! Do what you can. Move, shake your booty, show your family (spouse included) that being healthy is beneficial to everyone. It may not be easy at first. It certainly wasn't for us. But now, it's routine. yes, sometimes it gets messed up. Today it took me nearly 2.5 hours to get through a 1.5 hour work out because I had to stop arguments, feed breakfast, wipe bottoms and clean up spills. it's not like that every day and it wont be for you either. Be consistent. talk to them, tell them this is important to you and you need to be healthy for them. They might resist at first but I promise, stick with it and it will become routine. Most days - if R is awake, I just say "R, mommy needs to work out now. Please go play cars in the kitchen or your bedroom." And for the most part he does. I certainly am lucky!
In the end, its up to YOU. You have to make the decisions. You have to make the time. You are the role model. The person they look up to. They learn from you before anyone else. keep at it, be positive and don't quit. Be the person you want your kids to be.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sports Bra Reviews for Women With a Big Bust
Working out can be a pain in itself, but for someone trying to exercise with large breasts, that pain is real. If your anything like me, you know how hard it is to find a GOOD sports bra that will hold your girls down! I think I've tried every trick in the book. Multiple layers of crappy bras - nothing says comfort like wearing 3 sports bras! A regular bra under a sports bra. Smaller bra in hopes it would be tighter. Duct tape. Yeah....I'm not even gonna go there. And you shouldn't either. It just doesn't work. At. All. After that incident, I decided to bite the bullet and get an expensive one. This was my first purchase.
This is an Enell. Everyone who had one raved about it and the reviews online were full of praise. The website claims this bra (approximately $65) provides strap and back comfort, movement control, secure closure, moisture wicking and secure fit. I found all to be true. The hook and eye closures were surprising comforting and controlling at the same time. I stay dry and the over all fit is mostly secure. I have only a few issues with this bra is that the straps are not adjustable. I've got a short torso so the fit is still not quite right. If I could shorten the straps a few inches it would be a perfect fit. The hook and eye closing is not adjustable. So as you lose weight, your bra can not be made tighter. I also found the sizing to be a bit confusing. I ended up purchasing this from Dick's Sporting Goods so that I could try it on and find the perfect fit. I use this bra for lifting, yoga, and other non bouncing activities.
My second purchase was by the company Moving Comfort. I love this bra and the company. The company boasts hook and loop straps, compression, limited stretching, and adjustable back. This is one of my favorites. The straps stay strong, I don't bounce much and the bra itself is extremely comfortable. I honestly can't think of anything I don't like about this bra. It fits me well and it does it's job. It was also reasonably priced at $45-$50. I also find that this is a pretty popular brand and can be found at many sporting good stores. I can do pretty much any activity in the bra, to include running and jumping.
Ahhhh.....the Shock Absorber! This is, by far, the best sports bra I have ever used. At $65-$70 it's also the most expensive. The company claims that these bras reduce the movement of breasts during activity by 74%. The bra's also contain molding and support, adjustable straps, and moisture wicking properties. This company also has the largest selection of sizes, all the way up to HHH! I can't say enough good things about this bra. It's my favorite to run in. It's comfortable and does the job. It's worth every penny and I recommend this bra to every one. I've been using this for almost 3 years and it still works great! Not many bra's can last without losing comfort. I recommend shopping around for this one as you can often find decent deals.
There you have it - 3 better-than-duct-tape sports bras! I highly recommend trying them on in stores first. Even if you have a better deal online you can at least find your best fit. When you try it on - jump, bend over, twist - just move! You want to make sure the bra is snug no matter what position your in.
Have a sports bra you love that I didn't review? Post about it below! I am always wanting to try out new gear!
This is an Enell. Everyone who had one raved about it and the reviews online were full of praise. The website claims this bra (approximately $65) provides strap and back comfort, movement control, secure closure, moisture wicking and secure fit. I found all to be true. The hook and eye closures were surprising comforting and controlling at the same time. I stay dry and the over all fit is mostly secure. I have only a few issues with this bra is that the straps are not adjustable. I've got a short torso so the fit is still not quite right. If I could shorten the straps a few inches it would be a perfect fit. The hook and eye closing is not adjustable. So as you lose weight, your bra can not be made tighter. I also found the sizing to be a bit confusing. I ended up purchasing this from Dick's Sporting Goods so that I could try it on and find the perfect fit. I use this bra for lifting, yoga, and other non bouncing activities.
My second purchase was by the company Moving Comfort. I love this bra and the company. The company boasts hook and loop straps, compression, limited stretching, and adjustable back. This is one of my favorites. The straps stay strong, I don't bounce much and the bra itself is extremely comfortable. I honestly can't think of anything I don't like about this bra. It fits me well and it does it's job. It was also reasonably priced at $45-$50. I also find that this is a pretty popular brand and can be found at many sporting good stores. I can do pretty much any activity in the bra, to include running and jumping.
Ahhhh.....the Shock Absorber! This is, by far, the best sports bra I have ever used. At $65-$70 it's also the most expensive. The company claims that these bras reduce the movement of breasts during activity by 74%. The bra's also contain molding and support, adjustable straps, and moisture wicking properties. This company also has the largest selection of sizes, all the way up to HHH! I can't say enough good things about this bra. It's my favorite to run in. It's comfortable and does the job. It's worth every penny and I recommend this bra to every one. I've been using this for almost 3 years and it still works great! Not many bra's can last without losing comfort. I recommend shopping around for this one as you can often find decent deals.
There you have it - 3 better-than-duct-tape sports bras! I highly recommend trying them on in stores first. Even if you have a better deal online you can at least find your best fit. When you try it on - jump, bend over, twist - just move! You want to make sure the bra is snug no matter what position your in.
Have a sports bra you love that I didn't review? Post about it below! I am always wanting to try out new gear!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Piyo - Low impact exercise
One of the biggest questions I get asked as a coach is, "what is a program that would be good for someone with bad knees?" Turns out, there are A LOT of people with bad knees out there! Well, I'm happy to report that Beachbody has come out with a program perfect for those requiring low impact exercise! PiYo!
fitness goals. The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success. With the PiYo Challenge pack,
customers will receive the PiYo fitness program, a nutrition guide, one of six delicious Shakeology flavors, and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, and a spot into my private challenge group where you will receive support and encouragement from folks just like you!
What is Piyo?
Piyo is a combination of pilates and yoga. No weights, no jumps, no strained joints - just low impact, high intensity exercises! Chalene Johnson (creator of TurboFire) leads the pack with this program! The 60 day program will give your body definition and sculpting without any cardio or heavy lifting. If you want a tight booty, sexy abs, and lean muscles this program will be perfect for you!What Equipment Will You Need?
Look in the mirror. That's it! Well, yourself and a yoga mat will be helpful. You use your own body weight so you wont need to worry about buying more equipment to go along with the program. Bonus - if you travel a lot this is PERFECT! Since the only thing you will need is a yoga mat, you can truly do this anywhere! I love to travel but not every hotel room has a fitness room. A program like this would be perfect for that!What is Included With the Challenge Pack?
Beachbody Challenge Packs are the complete package, offering total support for achieving health andfitness goals. The formula? Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Success. With the PiYo Challenge pack,
customers will receive the PiYo fitness program, a nutrition guide, one of six delicious Shakeology flavors, and a FREE 30-day trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, and a spot into my private challenge group where you will receive support and encouragement from folks just like you!
Where Can I Get It?
You can purchase is HERE! I will contact you regarding your purchase and get you added to my newest challenge group. Have questions that weren't answered? Message Me! I will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also like my Facebook Page for fitness and nutrition tips!Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Couples Ultimate Reset Before and After
So a month or so again my husband and I decided to do the Ultimate Reset. I have been trying for a year and a half to do this program! I've completed it 3 times and really wanted him to 1) support me and 2) experience it himself. I've said it before but the Ultimate Reset is by far, my favorite program. It's 21 days of HEALTHY eating. I love this program because it really shows me how I'm eating and what my eating habits are. This past experience showed me that I did too much snacking. And too much bored eating. I noticed that whenever I was "bored" I wanted to eat something.
The reset is done over three weeks. The first week is easy breezy chicken peasy. You get lots of food. Healthy, yummy, delicious meals. We felt satisfied, happy and healthy by the end of the week. We both noticed that we were a little tired during this week but it wasn't overbearing. We were kicking caffine out of our diet so I suppose little energy would be a possibility.
Week two is less easy. By this week you are completely vegetarian The food is still good. My husband, the hunting - meat -eating - man, even said that the food was good and to this day has suggested that we make some of these meals! The portions you eat with this week are HUGE! You do not go hungry. Between the water, full meals, and snack (optional) it was good. Oh - this is also detox week. We were not tied to the bathroom and everything turned out perfectly.
Week three is the hardest week. It's also the week I like to call, "sides." Everything, every meal from this group, could be a side. Now, the food is good but this stage also has you eating very little protein. Mike and I both noticed that our bodies craved it! Mike more so than me. I didn't think it was too bad but it was by far the worst week for him. This is also the stage where I felt GREAT. By this point, I felt like my mood had stabilized, my sleep was fantastic, my energy was up and I just felt plain good.
By the end, Mike and I had both done amazing. He lost 15 lbs, lowered his blood pressure and had improved mood. I lost 20 lbs, slept better and also had improved mood. I wasn't bloated and felt so good. It's amazing how food affects our body. It really truly is. I mean, you eat like crap, you feel like crap. Fuel your body right, it's the only one you've got!
Here are our physical results!
The reset is done over three weeks. The first week is easy breezy chicken peasy. You get lots of food. Healthy, yummy, delicious meals. We felt satisfied, happy and healthy by the end of the week. We both noticed that we were a little tired during this week but it wasn't overbearing. We were kicking caffine out of our diet so I suppose little energy would be a possibility.
Week two is less easy. By this week you are completely vegetarian The food is still good. My husband, the hunting - meat -eating - man, even said that the food was good and to this day has suggested that we make some of these meals! The portions you eat with this week are HUGE! You do not go hungry. Between the water, full meals, and snack (optional) it was good. Oh - this is also detox week. We were not tied to the bathroom and everything turned out perfectly.
Week three is the hardest week. It's also the week I like to call, "sides." Everything, every meal from this group, could be a side. Now, the food is good but this stage also has you eating very little protein. Mike and I both noticed that our bodies craved it! Mike more so than me. I didn't think it was too bad but it was by far the worst week for him. This is also the stage where I felt GREAT. By this point, I felt like my mood had stabilized, my sleep was fantastic, my energy was up and I just felt plain good.
By the end, Mike and I had both done amazing. He lost 15 lbs, lowered his blood pressure and had improved mood. I lost 20 lbs, slept better and also had improved mood. I wasn't bloated and felt so good. It's amazing how food affects our body. It really truly is. I mean, you eat like crap, you feel like crap. Fuel your body right, it's the only one you've got!
Here are our physical results!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
The down side of weight loss
When people talk about weight loss, they always discuss the upside. You know, smaller clothes, sexier curves, stronger, happier, healthier.... but it's not always as simple as that. Is anything ever? What many people fail to notice, is the emotional side to weight loss. I find this journey to be a roller coaster of highs, lows, loopy loo's and fast turns. Since completing the Ultimate Reset, I've lost 30 lbs. I am officially pre baby weight. Pre FIRST baby weight. It's a HUGE mile stone, one that I couldn't weight to reach! It was my first big - mini goal. I'm really proud of myself and its a HUGE accomplishment for me.
But there are a few things I didn't take into account. Like saggy skin. I can't believe that just 30 lbs has left me with extra skin already. If I can be honest for a moment, it scares the living shit out of me. If I've got saggy skin at 30 lbs, how am I going to look when I reach 60 lbs lost? or 80 lbs lost? It flat out terrifies me! If you've ever been overweight in your life, you know that self esteem issues that often come along with being on the larger side. So here is my fear, Am I going to lose weight, FINALLY get to where I want to be, but be unable to love myself because I have extra skin?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact that I'm losing. But right now I hide behind my weight. Will I soon be hiding behind extra skin? I have absolutely no intentions of stopping my weight loss, but this is something I feel that many people face. I think it goes from one thing you are ashamed of, to the next.
Another issue I've already noticed are extra wrinkles where they shouldn't be! And boobs - not so perky! Turns out weight loss isn't good for that! lol It's the craziest thing. I've never been one to worry about wrinkles. Heck, we all will have the one day wont we? But lately I think...Hot dog, where did YOU come from? The only thing I can think of is to stay hydrated and moisturize. I'm not sure what I will look like the further I go along, but I must keep going.
Keeping the momentum up can be hard. Despite my weight loss, I continue to see myself as being the same as I was. I don't know why but whenever I look in the mirror I still see the old me. When I go shopping, I pick out the "old me" size and am ALWAYS surprised at how big they are! It's a quiet reminder that my journey emotionally is just as important as it is physically.
Quitting is not an option. even if I do have to deal with wrinkly, saggy skin. I can't quit. Pushing forward and being HEALTHY is my #1 priority. I can't lose hope. It's just as much mental as it is physical. In fact, I'd have to say it's even more mental that physical. Heck, it's easy to get up and exercise. It's not easy to see yourself as beautiful when you've been hating you for so long.
If you can relate to me at all, I'd love to hear from you. It's certainly not an easy feat!
But there are a few things I didn't take into account. Like saggy skin. I can't believe that just 30 lbs has left me with extra skin already. If I can be honest for a moment, it scares the living shit out of me. If I've got saggy skin at 30 lbs, how am I going to look when I reach 60 lbs lost? or 80 lbs lost? It flat out terrifies me! If you've ever been overweight in your life, you know that self esteem issues that often come along with being on the larger side. So here is my fear, Am I going to lose weight, FINALLY get to where I want to be, but be unable to love myself because I have extra skin?
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact that I'm losing. But right now I hide behind my weight. Will I soon be hiding behind extra skin? I have absolutely no intentions of stopping my weight loss, but this is something I feel that many people face. I think it goes from one thing you are ashamed of, to the next.
Another issue I've already noticed are extra wrinkles where they shouldn't be! And boobs - not so perky! Turns out weight loss isn't good for that! lol It's the craziest thing. I've never been one to worry about wrinkles. Heck, we all will have the one day wont we? But lately I think...Hot dog, where did YOU come from? The only thing I can think of is to stay hydrated and moisturize. I'm not sure what I will look like the further I go along, but I must keep going.
Keeping the momentum up can be hard. Despite my weight loss, I continue to see myself as being the same as I was. I don't know why but whenever I look in the mirror I still see the old me. When I go shopping, I pick out the "old me" size and am ALWAYS surprised at how big they are! It's a quiet reminder that my journey emotionally is just as important as it is physically.
Quitting is not an option. even if I do have to deal with wrinkly, saggy skin. I can't quit. Pushing forward and being HEALTHY is my #1 priority. I can't lose hope. It's just as much mental as it is physical. In fact, I'd have to say it's even more mental that physical. Heck, it's easy to get up and exercise. It's not easy to see yourself as beautiful when you've been hating you for so long.
If you can relate to me at all, I'd love to hear from you. It's certainly not an easy feat!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Poor Man Soup
This past week I've had some sick kiddos to deal with. Add some rainy weather to the mix and soup just sounded fantastic! Growing up we had this often. It's a versatile and easy meal. My favorite way to prepare it is in the crock pot. All the flavors and smells become amazing after a day in the crock pot! Today though - I used just a pot since I was short on time.
1 lb ground beef
3 potatos peeled and diced
small - medium package of frozen mixed veggies
1 box of stock
2 cans tomato sauce
1/2 tsp tyme
1/2 - 1 Tbs Parsley
3/4 tsp cardamom
2 bay leaves (remove after cooking)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Like I said, this is super easy and very versatile. Don't like something? leave it out! Want something added? Toss it in! Use what you have in your house already! I start with browning the meat. Recently I've been eating Bison or venison instead of beef. today I used bison. I put the entire box of vegetable stock, tomato sauce and potatoes into the pot.* let cook for about 5 minutes then toss in the frozen veggies, meat, tyme, parsley, cardamom, and bay leaves. Cook on high for about 15 minutes. Eat while its hot! Very quick, easy and delicious!
I would love to hear what you thought if you made this!
Monday, March 10, 2014
My Promise to You...or.... Because I Let it Happen
I'm reading the book Push by Chalene Johnson. It's a goal
setting, weight loss, personal life achievement type book. Pretty
good. I'm on day 24. She says to make a promise to people that you
will achieve your goals. So here is my goal to you - I WILL lose 70
lbs. I need to be healthy for my family and for myself. Currently - I
can't stand the way I look. I hate the way I feel in clothes.
Shopping for jeans is pure torture! HELLLOOOO! NOT EVERYONE LOOKS GOOD
IN SKINNY JEANS! I'm 5 feet tall and 186 lbs. I do not need to be in
the same aisle as skinny jeans! I am short and frumpy. I've got
thights and a butt that require a back up signal. Skinny jeans make me
look like The Little Red Hen. Come now...I don't need that.
Aside from clothes shopping - the way I feel about myself is horrible. Every sit up is a painful visual reminder of just how much I let myself go. Can you believe this crap? I LET myself get this way! Did you read what I just wrote? I. LET. MYSELF. GET. THIS. WAY. Nobody forced me to eat an entire row of oreos. No one forced me to eat french fries. No one forced me to eat ice cream. Despite my knowing how unhealthy it was for me, despite my growing size, despite my desperation to be healthier, I let it happen. Some people tell me, "well, things happen." Well, they do. But you know what? I didn't stop it.
As I sit here typing, my little ones are fast asleep. I wonder...what kind of example was I to them? Well, today, a pretty darn good one! Lots of outdoor activity at the zoo, healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, and an afternoon work out. That is the mom those kids deserve. Healthy, fit, and happy. That's the mom I WILL be. And you know what? I'm going to let myself get that way!
Aside from clothes shopping - the way I feel about myself is horrible. Every sit up is a painful visual reminder of just how much I let myself go. Can you believe this crap? I LET myself get this way! Did you read what I just wrote? I. LET. MYSELF. GET. THIS. WAY. Nobody forced me to eat an entire row of oreos. No one forced me to eat french fries. No one forced me to eat ice cream. Despite my knowing how unhealthy it was for me, despite my growing size, despite my desperation to be healthier, I let it happen. Some people tell me, "well, things happen." Well, they do. But you know what? I didn't stop it.
As I sit here typing, my little ones are fast asleep. I wonder...what kind of example was I to them? Well, today, a pretty darn good one! Lots of outdoor activity at the zoo, healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner, and an afternoon work out. That is the mom those kids deserve. Healthy, fit, and happy. That's the mom I WILL be. And you know what? I'm going to let myself get that way!
Monday, March 3, 2014
Is everyone giving up sugar for Lent?
Seems that way sometimes doesn't it? I remember a time when I was working at walmart and I was discussing Lent with a customer. I mentioned a friend who gave up sweets every year. The woman got angry and stated that she hated when people did that because they were doing things for the wrong reason. But are they?
1 Corinthians 6:19-29- What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (KJV)
Are we not to take care of our earthly bodies? My body IS a temple. Why is it such a bad thing for me to give up sugar? I love sugar. I am addicted to sugary foods. My relationship with sweet foods is not healthy - clearly or I would not be here! I need to take care of my body. God gave me a body to do good, not be lazy and gluttonous. I know that I will be tempted but you know what, knowing that I'm giving it up for GOD will hold me even more accountable. Knowing that I can't have it because I gave it up for him will make me stronger. I know I will be tempted (Peeps - speckled egg M&M's, ICE CREAM) but with God's help I know I can get through it.
So while some people may see giving up sugar as a stupid Lent tradition, I think it's wonderful. When we give up sugar we begin to notice how God designed our bodies to work. We will learn how it will make us feel. I don't think God would see it as a bad thing. We are improving our bodies and minds. I have no regrets or feelings of guilt for this choice of mine. I am embracing this Lenten season with the help of God. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV)
What are your plans for lent? Give up something? Taking on something? Both?
1 Corinthians 6:19-29- What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (KJV)
Are we not to take care of our earthly bodies? My body IS a temple. Why is it such a bad thing for me to give up sugar? I love sugar. I am addicted to sugary foods. My relationship with sweet foods is not healthy - clearly or I would not be here! I need to take care of my body. God gave me a body to do good, not be lazy and gluttonous. I know that I will be tempted but you know what, knowing that I'm giving it up for GOD will hold me even more accountable. Knowing that I can't have it because I gave it up for him will make me stronger. I know I will be tempted (Peeps - speckled egg M&M's, ICE CREAM) but with God's help I know I can get through it.
So while some people may see giving up sugar as a stupid Lent tradition, I think it's wonderful. When we give up sugar we begin to notice how God designed our bodies to work. We will learn how it will make us feel. I don't think God would see it as a bad thing. We are improving our bodies and minds. I have no regrets or feelings of guilt for this choice of mine. I am embracing this Lenten season with the help of God. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV)
What are your plans for lent? Give up something? Taking on something? Both?
Friday, February 28, 2014
Hypothyroidism, weightloss, disappointment, and success
I have hypothyroidism. It sucks. Energy draining, slow weight loss, hair loss, cold hands, tired...the list goes on. I found out I was hypo about 10 years ago. I had been putting on weight. Being an avid gym rat this was unusual for me. I was also feeling more and more tired - sleeping any chance I got. Hours and hours of sleep without feeling rested. I went from a healthy 110 lb 5 foot tall girl to 145 lbs, tired, and exhausted...within two months. Despite my low calorie diet and running 2-3 miles during the week I was still gaining. I finally saw my doctor and I was tested...I had something called hypothyroidism. Fantastic. I cried. I was happy to have an answer but also knew that I was going to have to deal with the for the rest of my life.
My first question was, what exactly is hypothyroidism? Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that assists with hormones and metabolism. When your thyroid is under-active (hypothyroid) it is not producing enough hormones, therefore making your metabolism slow. I'm lucky in the sense that my is on the low end of the spectrum. Some people develop far worse complications with an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto's. Currently, there is no real cure. Most of us with thyroid issues are on medications like synthroid or naturethroid. Others may need to have their thyroid removed or partially removed. Over all, I am lucky to only need medication.
My first medication was synthroid. I had been on it for years. Then I stumbled across the book Hypothyroid, Health, and Happiness by Steven F. Hotze, MD. It has changed so much for me. As I was reading it, I nearly came to tears because how I was feeling, was in that book. Despite having normal labs, I still felt "off." I honestly thought it was something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life....and what I have been living with for the past 10 years. In this book, Hotze really dives in and explains everything for you. He is also a big advocate for desiccated thyroid medication. It's something I had never quite thought about before. I mean - why would I want to switch when my labs have been normal. The more I read the more I wondered why I wouldn't. I mean - the natural medications have been working for YEARS! And here I was taking something synthetic. So I talked to my doctor and he hesitantly agreed to switch me.
What a difference! First thing I've noticed is that my brain fog is gone. I'm starting to feel like the old me again. My weightloss, although slow, is happening. That is success in my opinion! I'm actually feeling rested and happier. Your thyroid is a funny thing. Most people think it effects just your thyroid and metabolism. It's so much more than that. Energy levels, hair loss, depression, digestion, sleep, mood, libido.... the list goes on. Today - yes, I have hypothyroidism. Yes I'm overweight. Yes I get more tired than usual. But I am growing as a person. I've learned to deal with this in a way that works for me. Weightloss is happening, sleep is improving, energy is improving and I am happier. While my weightloss my be slow and at times, disappointing, I will succeed. I will not be controlled by my thyroid. I will control my thyroid.
Hypothyroid, Health and Happiness by Steven F. Hotze, MD
My first question was, what exactly is hypothyroidism? Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland that assists with hormones and metabolism. When your thyroid is under-active (hypothyroid) it is not producing enough hormones, therefore making your metabolism slow. I'm lucky in the sense that my is on the low end of the spectrum. Some people develop far worse complications with an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto's. Currently, there is no real cure. Most of us with thyroid issues are on medications like synthroid or naturethroid. Others may need to have their thyroid removed or partially removed. Over all, I am lucky to only need medication.
My first medication was synthroid. I had been on it for years. Then I stumbled across the book Hypothyroid, Health, and Happiness by Steven F. Hotze, MD. It has changed so much for me. As I was reading it, I nearly came to tears because how I was feeling, was in that book. Despite having normal labs, I still felt "off." I honestly thought it was something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life....and what I have been living with for the past 10 years. In this book, Hotze really dives in and explains everything for you. He is also a big advocate for desiccated thyroid medication. It's something I had never quite thought about before. I mean - why would I want to switch when my labs have been normal. The more I read the more I wondered why I wouldn't. I mean - the natural medications have been working for YEARS! And here I was taking something synthetic. So I talked to my doctor and he hesitantly agreed to switch me.
What a difference! First thing I've noticed is that my brain fog is gone. I'm starting to feel like the old me again. My weightloss, although slow, is happening. That is success in my opinion! I'm actually feeling rested and happier. Your thyroid is a funny thing. Most people think it effects just your thyroid and metabolism. It's so much more than that. Energy levels, hair loss, depression, digestion, sleep, mood, libido.... the list goes on. Today - yes, I have hypothyroidism. Yes I'm overweight. Yes I get more tired than usual. But I am growing as a person. I've learned to deal with this in a way that works for me. Weightloss is happening, sleep is improving, energy is improving and I am happier. While my weightloss my be slow and at times, disappointing, I will succeed. I will not be controlled by my thyroid. I will control my thyroid.
Hypothyroid, Health and Happiness by Steven F. Hotze, MD
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