Monday, March 3, 2014

Is everyone giving up sugar for Lent?

Seems that way sometimes doesn't it?  I remember a time when I was working at walmart and I was discussing Lent with a customer.  I mentioned a friend who gave up sweets every year.  The woman got angry and stated that she hated when people did that because they were doing things for the wrong reason.  But are they? 

1 Corinthians 6:19-29- What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? (KJV)

Are we not to take care of our earthly bodies?  My body IS a temple.  Why is it such a bad thing for me to give up sugar?  I love sugar.  I am addicted to sugary foods.  My relationship with sweet foods is not healthy - clearly or I would not be here!  I need to take care of my body.  God gave me a body to do good, not be lazy and gluttonous.  I know that I will be tempted but you know what, knowing that I'm giving it up for GOD will hold me even more accountable.   Knowing that I can't have it because I gave it up for him will make me stronger.  I know I will be tempted (Peeps - speckled egg M&M's, ICE CREAM) but with God's help I know I can get through it.

So while some people may see giving up sugar as a stupid Lent tradition, I think it's wonderful.  When we give up sugar we begin to notice how God designed our bodies to work.  We will learn how it will make us feel.  I don't think God would see it as a bad thing. We are improving our bodies and minds.  I have no regrets or feelings of guilt for this choice of mine.  I am embracing this Lenten season with the help of God.  Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV)

What are your plans for lent?  Give up something?  Taking on something? Both?

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