Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cuties Play Date!

Recently I was given the opportunity to host a cuties Play date!  My kids love these little clementines so I couldn't turn it down.  They set me up with a nice package for each child attending.  Pretty sweet set isn't it?  It was very cold the day we hosted the party so all the kids loved their hats!  It was the perfect going home gift!

 I also received some coupons for some Cuties - can't have a Cuties play date without some Cuties!  Turns out, when you are reviewing a product, you notice a few things. Like the fact that they are GMO free!  This made for one happy momma!  I've been purchasing Cuties for quite some time now and this is the first time  I have noticed this little gem! 

 The kids were so excited for these! I was happy to see so many kids happy over something healthy and delicious.  One of my favorite things is how easy these are to peel.  My 4 your old can grab one of these when he's hungry and peel it himself.   We even had the kids do a Cutie curl!  They had trouble at first but they eventually caught on!

Want to try your own hand at the cutie curl?  Head on over to The Cutie Curl and get yours in - while your there - don't forget to vote for the cutest cutie curl!  

Overall it was a great success - kids had fun, loved the gifts and at the end of the party - that 5 lb box of Cuties was GONE!  I think my favorite thing was watching the kids have so much fun while eating healthy.  In a day in age where kids are inclined to grab processed junk, it was nice to see them excited about eating healthy. Kids are our next generation and we have to keep them healthy.  And speaking of eating healthy, stay tuned later this week - I'll be making a few recipes  using Cuties! 

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