Thursday, May 23, 2013

The difference between Pregnancy #1 and #2

As I've stated before, my first pregnancy resulted in 70 lbs weight gain, water retention, and a terrible diet with no exercise.  The end result?  An emergency  c section and a body that did not go back to pre baby weight.  Although - I did get 10 lbs away before I got pregnant again! 
Anyways, it just so happened that I found a picture on my facebook album that had me pregnant with #1 at 34 weeks and 5 days.  I had to take a picture with #2 and compare!  I was amazed and my midwife couldn't believe it! 
I do feel different and so much happier that I am feeling better with this pregnancy.  It gives me hope for a VBAC and hope for a successful weight loss after baby is born.  I wont lie though, this third trimester is kicking my tushy!  My cravings are simply insane and I am feeling very tired.   I know it's just how pregnancy works but wow...   I've decided to become a little more strict when it comes to sleeping.  In bed by 10, read a book, knit, whatever but no tv, facebook or anything else.  I usually read.  Right now, I'm reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren.    The sleep schedule is really helping.  I also am staying strict with my diet.  I have too.  I worked way to hard to have a healthy pregnancy through this that I wont give up now!

So thats my update for now.  It is possible to make a difference in your pregnancy and your life!  Feel free to message me if you have any questions!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Some People Suck....

Today there was a free spouses spa night that was pretty fun.   Then I found out someone was making a comment about my booty.  I've always had a booty.  Even when I was 105 lbs - still shapely and out there.  Never bugged me.  But tonight, when I found out a nasty comment was made....I was pretty much upset.  I am not where I want to be weight wise, and not worrying about it right now since I'm pregnant, but I am smaller than I used to be.  It bothers me because it's kind of like a slap in the face.  Like all my hard work was for nothing.

Now, keep in mind,  I don't know this girl and she doesn't know me.  Just judged me - thankfully I have a great friend who stook up for me.  She has been with me through a hard part of my journey and has supported me through it all.  She is going through her own journey and knows a lot of my struggles.  I doubt that this girl would even care that I'm still mid transformation but it got me many people see a fat person and think "lazy ass?  Stop eating!"

What that person doesn't know, is that the "fat" person they are judging, has already lost 50 lbs.   Worked out first thing that morning and turned down a doughnut for oatmeal.  Further more, how does that person not know that the "fat" person goes home and cries their self to sleep every night because despite their amazing progress, they are still considered disgusting in the eyes of society. 

People used to be judged by the color of their skin.  Now they are judged by the size of their pants.   I'm not saying being overweight is healthy - but EVERYONE deserves to be respected.  We don't know other peoples stories.  We don't know the struggles they got through, the pain they feel, or the self hate they deal with on a daily basis. 

The next time you decide to judge the "fat lazy" person, remind yourself that they have their own journey to go through.  Being overweight isn't just a physical thing - its also a very emotional thing.  When someone decides to start a journey to be healthy - so many things come into play.  WHY the weight was gained in the first place, eating behavior, very many things.  Instead of judging, we should offer our help and support.  As for me and my booty...well, we'll keep trucking and I will one day get to where I want to be.