Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Organizing is a lot like weightloss

I am not a neat person.  I am a messy.  I am unorganized.   I am a pack rat.  But I am working on changing because it has simply gotten to be to overwhelming.  I don't want to raise my son in an unorganized home.  Nor do I want him to be as  unorganized as I am.   When I signed up for Chalene Johnsons 30 Day Push Challenge, one of my goals was to have a clean room.  It's where I lay my head.  The first room I see when I wake up.  It was important to me to have an organized space.  It has gotten a little crazy as my growing belly grows and my non maternity shirts no longer fit.  I had a lot to do.  

On day one I realized just how much organization was like weight loss.  It's not something that happens over night.  Like the pounds that pile on slowly, so does the junk accumulate in your house.  And that got me thinking....could my lack of organization skills be holding me back?  

The answer is simple.  Yes. For whatever reason, I have an attachment to stuff.  While cleaning I found tickets to an event from my trip to Beachbody's Summit from last June.  As if that wasn't bad enough, I found some ticket stubs to an event I went to while in Hawaii - March of 2010!  Why do I feel the need to keep these things?  I've got pictures!  So I got rid of it.  I was holding onto clothes that didn't fit, clothes that were not my style any more, and clothes....just because.  So - I got rid of them.  Still getting rid of them - as I fold I either put them in a non maternity bin, put them in a drawer/hang up, or donate. It's exhilerating.

But I also realized my attachment to food.  For some reason I put my emotions around food.  Doesn't matter if it's good, bad, sad, bored, lonely....there's a food for that.  Now that I'm done with the Ultimate Reset, I've done better with avoiding those foods. When I do indulge, I notice that I eat them expecting the feelings of what I surround the food with mentally. 

So as I work with my weight loss, I've hit my first experience with the emotional side.  As I continue to eat healthy, work out and treating myself right, I'm finding that I need more.  I'm wanting to have a nicer house.  One that is less cluttered.  As I feel better about myself, I have a desire to feel better about my home.  I've done one room so far.  Getting rid of crap and donating items I know long use is exhilarating.  It feels like a weight is lifted off my shoulders.  I'm sitting in my room as I type this and realize that I am feeling like I can breath again.  My room closet and dresser are organized.  The dressers are dusted and under the bed is clean.   It's been a good day.  And the three days of organizing, totally worth it.  

Friday, January 25, 2013

Exercising While Pregnant!

    Before my first pregnancy I was training for a half marathon.   Then about 6 weeks - I discovered I was pregnant.  And I STOPPED!  I had been working out with my good friend Melissa for weeks.  We would run after work or meet up for local races.   Until I found out I was pregnant.  I was afraid I would hurt the baby.   I started doing a slow elliptical....but that lasted maybe a day and a half.  Walking was sporadic as was yoga or anything else. 
    I could have won any food eating contest, beating out even the most well seasoned of eaters.  I would work all day only to come home and sit on my rear end doing nothing but watching whatever was saved up on my DVR.  Think I couldn't save up enough shows?  HA!  I watched plenty of tv, ate plenty of food, and had no exercise.  This time, it's different.
    Recently, I've been doing Les Mills Combat.  It is completely different!  I can't believe how winded I get.   I do take a few breaks, drink extra water, and don't do any crazy jumps.  I can still do burpees though!  Albeit, a bit slower than normal but I'm doing them nonetheless.  I feel so proud of myself.   Me....pregnant...and doing burpees!!!  Besides the burpees, I'm doing some awesome combat type kicks and punches.  My kicks, I'm sure, look a bit funny with my growing belly!
    Truth of the matter, being pregnant is NOT an excuse to sit around eating bon bons all day.  If you have received the ok to exercise while pregnant from your doctor - why would you not do it!  What are the benefits?
  • improved mood
  • helps control weight gain
  • improves circulation
  • Increases chances of having easier, shorter, and less complicated birth
  • Helps with the exchange of oxygen to the placenta
  • Better sleep
  • Increases self image
    So don't makes excuses like I did my first round.  Gaining 70 pounds is NOT fun, especially while pregnant.   It made my pregnancy harder and made getting the weight off more difficult than I could even imagine.  So even though exercising while pregnant is hard, being three months pregnant and 70 pounds heavier is even hard.  So go me.  I've got wonderful support from my friends and family.  I've gotten up every day this week to start my new program.  I feel good, and I know that I'm improving my life and the life of my baby by taking care of myself.  :)

***Before starting any workout regime, pregnant or not, it's important to consult your doctor. ***

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Results of round 2 Ultimate Reset

    Alright - it's official.  I'm done with round 2 of the Ultimate Reset!   Couldn't be happier.   :)   Before I go into details, I want to remind every one that I did have approval from my doctor and she did say it was ok - except for the detox which I did not take.  That being said....I had another appointment yesterday.  I lost 9 lbs, baby is healthy and growing fantastically.  Words from my doc :)  I did ask her about the weight loss because losing weight while pregnant seems to be pretty taboo.  She said it was great.   Keep in mind, I've got weight to lose so it's not like I'm 100 lbs. :)  She told me she see's it often and as long as I'm eating she doesn't have a problem with it. 
    I also had to take her a three day eating plan.   This happened to fall in the third and final week.  She  said it looked great except my protein.  She wants to see me add more.  I'm not a vegetarian but have not had a big desire to eat meat.  I have been eating nuts, beans, and shakeology.  If anyone has any suggestions for more protein I'd love to hear it!

   Sorry folks - no before and after pics this time.  I didn't want to focus on size.  Instead I wanted to focus on how I felt and cleaning out my system.  I was a little crabby at first but felt good towards the end.  I did add in extra protein during week three.  I didn't want to completely cut out protein. Plus, I felt like my body was craving more.  So over all, I think it was a success.  I'm glad that I did it.  I went shopping for groceries tonight and stocked up on lots of fruit, veggies and other clean foods.  Feels good.  :)  
    I am now doing Les Mills Combat.  I'm more than ready to add in some exercise.  Being pregnant the second time around makes me more conscious about what I eat and do.  Pregnancy is not an excuse to lay on my tushy doing nothing all day.  I hope that my journey inspires you.  :) 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ultimate Reset while pregnant Update....

      Sorry it's been awhile!  The charger to the laptop broke and I had to wait to get a new one!  Anyways -  I'm finally in the third phase of the Ultimate Reset.  I've been doing things a little differently since I am pregnant.   I've been munching on almonds for extra protein and having a daily shakeology.   The Ultimate Reset is not about starving's about resetting your body and teaching yourself how to eat right. 
      On another  note....I cheated.  BOOOOO!  I know, I know.  I succumbed in a moment of weakness.  Turns out, the cookie wasn't that good.   At least not as good as I remembered.  It also gave me a stomach ache and heartburn.  The positive thing it did....was take away my cravings!  I was having intense cravings for sweets, and now its gone!  It's a huge relief because I'm not feeling "on edge" all the time.
      I'm so glad I decided to do this reset again.  I know I'm pregnant and couldn't do it all - like the detox... but I feel great.   I love that I am giving my body and my growing baby good, healthy foods that are optimal for nutrition!  Granted - this is by far the hardest it has been.  Not only am I pregnant and dealing with cravings, but it's winter.  Veggies are not as fresh, fruits are limited and not as fresh, and I'm stuck inside.   I do a lot that revolves around food so this had been quite difficult.
       During winter I love going out to eat or ordering in.  I hate that so much of my life has revolved around food.  I've actually been invited to go to dinner a few days after I complete this program.  To be honest - I'm scared to go.  I've been eating so clean and healthy the past three weeks that eating out has the potential to "stir up some trouble" in my stomach lol.    The place where every one is going has a lot of fried foods, pizza, calzones.... not sure thats what I want to eat right away.  It's not that I can't have that type of food again, but I don't really want too.  I know I will want to every now and then, but I don't want to sabotage myself.  It is VITAL that I do well and eat healthy.  Not only for my childrens sake, but for my own.  I am striving for a VBAC and I need to be healthy to do that.  
      I should stop now before I go into another topic!  Sometimes I start rambling and don't stop!  I wish you a good night and hope you stay healthy!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Veggie Ideas for Picky Eater!!!

Mashed potatoes:
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1-2 parsnips
  • 1/2 head of cauliflower
  • veggie or chicken stock
Boil potatoes, parsnip and cauliflower. (Cauliflower does not need to cook as long as potatoes and parsnip). Mix all ingredients and enjoy!

When making mac n cheese - puree cauliflower and mix in with the cheese sauce

Puree other veggies (roasted peppers, broccoli, carrots, greens) and add it to spaghetti sauce

Carrot Fries:
  • 2/3 cup Fresh Peeled Carrots
  • 1/4 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Cumin
  • 1/8 tsp Chili Powder
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic Powder

 Preheat oven to 425°. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray.
 Toss carrots sticks with olive oil and spices.
 Place on baking sheet and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes until carrots are tender and beginning to crisp.
*this can also be done with zucchini or sweet potatoes

Roasted Asparagus:
  • 1 lb asparagus
  • 1 tbs Olive Oil
  • sea salt
  • Pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Break ends off asparagus. toss asparagus in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake 15-20 minutes until desired tenderness. ****this recipe is so versatile. Don't be afraid to experiment. We sometimes add garlic, rosemary and thyme. ****

Sesame Broccole:
  • 2 bunches steamed Broccoli
  • Sesame oil
  • 1 Tbs Braggs Liquid Aminos*/Soy Sauce

Steam broccoli. Drizzle oil and aminos/soy sauce over broccoli. Remember - a little goes a long way!
*Braggs Liquid Aminos is what I have replaced soy sauce with. It is made with non GMO soy beans, no MSG, and no added salt. The flavor is phenomenal!

Kale Chips:

  • 1 bunch Kale
  • 1 Tbs olive oil
  • sea salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Remove and discard ribs. Tear the leaves into bite size pieces. drizzle with oil and sea salt. mix well. Bake 10 -15 minutes. You want the edges brown, not burnt.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Round 2 of the Ultimate Reset

    Well, I'm on day 4 of the Ultimate Reset.  What a difference this is from the first round.  First of all, it was a lot cheaper.  This go round I had a lot of the  condiments that I needed.  I still used them after the reset!   I also know what I like and what I don't like, So i'm doing some repeat meals.  I didn't have to purchase so much.  The black beans and rice is one of my favorites and had that as a repeat often!  
    Lunch has been a bit difficult.  I am still "salad-ed" out from the last reset.  I detest the salad.  And the dressing.  Thank goodness I can add nuts onto it because that adds a delightful crunch.  I wouldn't mind having some feta cheese though - that would be a nice addition! 
    Overall, this round has been more difficult.  I've been increasingly stressed and have been wanting junk food.  I've been good.  Minus the two bites of my sons mac n cheese I had. Oops!  I've been drinking strictly water and have been having my Shakeology.  Only vegan is allowed but I'm ok with that because it's so FANTASTIC!  :)  I will say I'm eating a bit more.  Since I'm pregnant I've been following the men's guidelines.  I don't want to short myself!
    At times I have found myself hungry, despite the generous portions we are allowed to have.  If I am still hungry, I will drink a glass of water.  If I'm still hungry after that I'll eat some veggies or fruit.    The point of this reset is to take  care of myself and learn how to read my body. Plus, no one has gotten fat from eating fruits and veggies!  
    It has been harder.  I want to eat everything.  We have candy canes on our Christmas tree - and while they typically aren't my go to treat - they look amazing.  I'm taking them down tonight so I can stop looking at them!  I think this just goes to show how much sugar has affected me.  To be honest, I did fairly well after the reset.  I added some of the "old foods" back in but for the most part I didn't.  I also had smaller portions.  Then came Christmas.  I love the holidays and all the goodies.  Not to mention three birthdays!  I did only gain 4 lbs though so I am very happy about that.  Happier now because those 4 lbs are gone!
    I'm not expecting to lose 18 lbs like I did the first time.  All I want from this go round - is to reset my eating.  Even before I found out I was pregnant, I was planning on doing the reset.  Now that I am pregnant, it is vital that I reset my eating.  I cannot gain weight this time like I did last time!  Its not an option.  I need to have a healthy pregnancy so I can successfully have a VBAC.   Please keep in mind - this has been approved by  my doctor (I am NOT doing the detox portion) and she is monitoring my weight.  This is not something I'm doing on my own without her help.  :) 
On that note - it's time for me to get some Zzzz's.  Have a great night everyone.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Childhood Obesity

       Childhood Obesity scares the crap out of me.  With a toddler and another on the way I worry about their health.  Am I feeding them the right foods?  Will they be healthy enough?  How do I find the right balance between healthy eating and the occasional treat?  According to a recent article from USA Today, BY 2030 13 states will have obesity rates over 60%.  All states, with exception to the District of Columbia, will have obesity rates over 44%.  This is downright scary.  
        Why are we, as a country, ok with being obese?  Why do we spend millions of dollars on medications for issues that would disappear with a healthier lifestyle?   There are 10 year old children with type 2 diabetes.  There are other young  children who are on blood pressure medication.   Parents often find this sad, but don't know what to do.   We are setting our children up for failure.  Losing weight isn't easy for anyone.  But to have weight issues all your life is something I can't even imagine.   Our schools provide lunches that are not acceptable.  French fries and ketchup are considered a vegetable!   According to Children watch t.v. up to 4 hours a day plus an additional 2 hours computer time!  Our lifestyle is becoming more sedentary.   Our kids are in trouble.
         Do you know what I find really sad?  Some parents don't think there is a problem.  Or worse, they don't care.  Truth is, there is a problem.  So what's a parent to do?  LEAD BY EXAMPLE! Your children are going to eat what you eat.   They are going to do what you do.  You can't shove broccoli in front of their face while you eat french fries. It might be uncomfortable at first, it might be hard but it needs to be done.  As a mother, I want to be able to run in the yard with my kids, go bike riding, teach them healthy eating, SHOW them how to be healthy.   Not only will you be helping your kids, but you will be helping yourself as well!   I remember going on bike rides with my mom as a child.  I want my children to have that same experience!  If you have any tips on ways parents can incorporate a healthy lifestyle, PLEASE post them below!  I would love to hear them!
        Also - if you are looking for on line support, a friend and I have started a page on facebook.  It's a closed group for moms and dads to support and encourage each other.  No gimmicks, no sales, just SUPPORT!   Stop by and check us out Healthy Parents Raising Healthy Kids - we are on the move to end child hood obesity!