Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Some great offers!

I wanted to throw out some great deals being offered right now!

First, Rockin' Body is on sale for just $19.95!  That is a 75% savings!  You get 7 DVD's, nutrition guide, 3 day slim down, 24 hour support, and more!  

Second, order one of these challenge packs FROM ME by February 29th, and I will send you a $25 gift e-gift card to Beachbody!

Your Challenge Pack also includes:
  • Your first 30-day supply of Shakeology®—The Healthiest Meal of the Day®, delivered through Home Direct, our autoship program that ensures timely delivery of Shakeology to your doorstep every month.
  • A FREE 30-day trial membership in the Team Beachbody® Club, where you'll find all the support you'll need to complete your challenge.
  • Plus FREE Shipping!
Don't pass up great deals like these!  Lets get you the body you deserve in 2012!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I'm back!  I had a wonderful vacation!  I missed the Wednesday weigh in because I didn't have a scale.  I weighed in yesterday at 191.  Boo for gaining 3 lbs but I'm sure a lot of it is bloat and am confident that come Wednesday I will be down again.   I'm drinking a lot of water, Shakeology, and working out.  It feels good to work out in my own home again!  This morning I did Zumba on the Wii - that was tiring and I think I picked some dance moves that were above my dancing ability! ha. 

I've also been reading Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.  I'm notorious for procrastinating.  This book has a great plan for improving your life and becoming more organized.  That being said, I'm heading off here.  I need to make my peanut butter Shakeology (YUM) and complete my list for today!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tropical Strawberry Shakeology

The new flavor of Shakeology comes out on Valentines day and I can't wait! :)  I really hope it tastes as good as it looks!  :) 

Wednesday Weigh In

Still at 188.  Which is what I expected since I weighed myself just a few days ago.  But I had to keep on track ya know?  Very happy with the way I'm feeling and the changes I'm making.  Being around my sister is nice because she is very fit.  She just finished her first marathon.  I'm so proud of her! 
More good news - Self magazine did an article on Insanity!  WOOT! WOOT!  You can read about the awesomeness here:  Insanity Article

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's just a pound...

Sometimes I can get down on myself pretty hard. Especially when I lose a low amount like a pound. UGH!  It's so annoying!  I mean, I don't expect to  lose the amounts that contestants on The Biggest Loser do, but I wouldn't mind loseing a bit more.  Know what I mean?
Well, tonight a friend found a picture that I think applies to this little delima.
This is what 1 lb of fat looks like.  Pretty disgusting huh?  In an effort to be more positive, I will remember this picture the next time I lose "just one pound."  Even though it's just a pound, It's a pound of fat. :) 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Thank you Beachbody!  I am happy to report that as of this morning I weighed in at 188!  Know what that means?  That means I've lost 20 pounds!  My first mini goal has been accomplished!  I can't believe I was actually 20 pounds heavier!  Just think, 10 more lbs and I will be able to say 30!    1 pound at a time baby!  It all adds up! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

No Wednesday Weigh In

Ok, so not only does my Pa not have WIFI but no scale. So obviously there is no weigh in. I'm scared to weigh in. I wont lie. My sister has a scale and I will weigh in tomorrow, God willing I remember. lol

My very first challenge group starts Monday and I'm super excited! It's a full group so that makes me very excited. The people I'm working with are also excited. I think the challenge, at least the challenge I've seen first hand, is keeping the excitement up after the 45th day. People tend to stop trying as hard at that point. I think I have some great people though, and I'm sure they will be amazing. :) *yawn* I'm tired. Night!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Eating on the Road

My son and I arrived in sunny Florida. Were staying at Shades of Green close to the Magic Kingdom. I've stayed before and so far it hasn't been too bad. Except for one thing, the food. I brought a lot of my own food, well lunch and breakfast. Once we arrived I did not want to leave again. So we ate at the buffet. I was dissapointed. I started off with a salad. Then had shrimp, a piece of fish that was overcooked, mashed potatoes and a dinner roll. they hardly had any vegetables. They had carrots with dill (I've eating a bag of them in three days and I am done! lol), sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and collard greens. I was hoping for more of a variety.

When it came time for my sons food they had Macaroni and processed cheese food, corn dogs, tater tots, watermelon, and jello. Seriously? Not a single kid friendly vegetable. It was pretty irritating. :/ At least I know not to go back.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday Weigh in

Are you ready for this? 4 lbs! I lost 4 lbs! I'm now at 190! I even got on the scale three times to make sure it wasn't a fluke! It said 190 both times! Woohoo! I am super excited! I am just 2 pounds away from reaching my mini goal and 1 pound away from leaving the 190's! Today is a good day. Excited to see such an awesome change!

I am going out of town and not sure if I will have access to a scale or not. I hope so so I can keep track. Pray for safe travels please! Thanks and have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Travel Friendly Foods

I travel a lot.  And when I'm on the road, driving, bored, I want to eat.  My old foods were a big bag of wintergreen mints, soda, gargentos, sunflower seeds, twizzlers, and the occasional candy bar.  For some reason chocolate was never a good travel food.  I thought I'd post a few travel friendly foods.

  • Shakeology - mix it with some milk or water for a fast, easy, on the go meal
  • granola bar
  • sandwiches (I prefer PB and honey) super easy to make and tasty! 
  • Pre make meat and cheese sandwiches, wrap them in tin foil and keep them in a cooler
  • grapes/raisens
  • bananas
  • apples
  • carrot sticks 
  • celery sticks
  • popcorn
  • mixed nuts
  • string cheese
I'm taking almost all of these with me.  These will help keep the calories off and keep me full better than a meal at McDonalds or Taco Bell!  I'm always looking for more suggestions, so if you can think of any, post them below!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

This is going to be a fantastic year!

I have been feeling really good about the new year.  I don't know if it's because for once, I have a different outlook on life, that I'm surrounding myself with positive people, or because God is working deep inside me.  It's probably all of the above. :)  I think about last year at this time.  We were entering a new year with a new baby and I was recovering from an emergency C-section that got infected.  I went from 6 weeks of rest to 12 weeks of rest and I was miserable.  Of course, I was also basking in the glow of my new baby boy.  He was everything I'd ever dreamed of!  I was taking motherhood by the horns and loving every minute of it.
I had plans, I was going to lose all the baby weight by the time he hit a year and I was going to be a hot mom.  Well, turns out the best laid out plans are not always laid out best. Babies require a lot of attention.  When he was eating or sleeping, I was eating or sleeping.  Or cleaning.  I was also breastfeeding so we were up every two hours.  I was exhausted.  Exercise was far from my mind. I would tell myself I would get to it when I wasn't so tired.  Slowly, my baby boy started sleeping a little better.  Slowly, the weight crept on.

In October, my friend Dani made a facebook post about a challenge group.  I was intrigued, I took the bait.  She is a Beachbody coach.  She is my coach.  Little did I know, that this 90 day challenge would change my life.  My plan was to do the Insanity program and drink Shakeology (chocolate of course!)  The first two weeks I did nothing.  Rod was acting up, I was tired, I had cleaning to do, I just couldn't make it....blah blah blah.  Dani would talk to me and ask how I was doing.  I was always honest and told her why I didn't work out.  Then one day she said something so simple.  She told me to stop making excuses because that's not going to give me the change I want.  She was right.  It was time I stepped up the game.  Eh, I guess I should say it was time to start the game??? 
Finding time was hard at first.  Rod would not let me work out.  I got one of those play yard gates but that just led him to screaming.  I let him run around the room but he wanted me to hold him and play with him.
I tried working out during his nap but he would wake up before I was finished.  I needed my husbands help.  I'm super nervous about people seeing me work out so I really didn't want my husband to see me work out.  Things jiggle that aren't supposed to jiggle, Know what I mean?  But he was sweet.  He would take Rodney to the store, play center, or back to his bedroom and play while I got to work out.  I'm so lucky to have the support of my husband. 
Since the start of my Beachbody journey, I have lost 14 lbs and 14 inches.  It's not a huge amount but its an amazing start.  I'm so happy to be able to go through this transformation. I am able to transform my life and inspire others.  How can I ask for more?  I am so glad to be on this journey.  I will be forever grateful to my coach Dani.  She inspired me so much that I decided to be a coach myself.  It's an amazing journey that I'm on. :)  I'm starting off the new year with Turbo Jam and am super excited about my very first challenge group. May God bless you this New Year!