I have been feeling really good about the new year. I don't know if it's because for once, I have a different outlook on life, that I'm surrounding myself with positive people, or because God is working deep inside me. It's probably all of the above. :) I think about last year at this time. We were entering a new year with a new baby and I was recovering from an emergency C-section that got infected. I went from 6 weeks of rest to 12 weeks of rest and I was miserable. Of course, I was also basking in the glow of my new baby boy. He was everything I'd ever dreamed of! I was taking motherhood by the horns and loving every minute of it.
I had plans, I was going to lose all the baby weight by the time he hit a year and I was going to be a hot mom. Well, turns out the best laid out plans are not always laid out best. Babies require a lot of attention. When he was eating or sleeping, I was eating or sleeping. Or cleaning. I was also breastfeeding so we were up every two hours. I was exhausted. Exercise was far from my mind. I would tell myself I would get to it when I wasn't so tired. Slowly, my baby boy started sleeping a little better. Slowly, the weight crept on.
In October, my friend Dani made a facebook post about a challenge group. I was intrigued, I took the bait. She is a Beachbody coach. She is my coach. Little did I know, that this 90 day challenge would change my life. My plan was to do the Insanity program and drink Shakeology (chocolate of course!) The first two weeks I did nothing. Rod was acting up, I was tired, I had cleaning to do, I just couldn't make it....blah blah blah. Dani would talk to me and ask how I was doing. I was always honest and told her why I didn't work out. Then one day she said something so simple. She told me to stop making excuses because that's not going to give me the change I want. She was right. It was time I stepped up the game. Eh, I guess I should say it was time to start the game???
Finding time was hard at first. Rod would not let me work out. I got one of those play yard gates but that just led him to screaming. I let him run around the room but he wanted me to hold him and play with him.
I tried working out during his nap but he would wake up before I was finished. I needed my husbands help. I'm super nervous about people seeing me work out so I really didn't want my husband to see me work out. Things jiggle that aren't supposed to jiggle, Know what I mean? But he was sweet. He would take Rodney to the store, play center, or back to his bedroom and play while I got to work out. I'm so lucky to have the support of my husband.
Since the start of my Beachbody journey, I have lost 14 lbs and 14 inches. It's not a huge amount but its an amazing start. I'm so happy to be able to go through this transformation. I am able to transform my life and inspire others. How can I ask for more? I am so glad to be on this journey. I will be forever grateful to my coach Dani. She inspired me so much that I decided to be a coach myself. It's an amazing journey that I'm on. :) I'm starting off the new year with
Turbo Jam and am super excited about my very first challenge group. May God bless you this New Year!